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Tout ce qui a été posté par GE-C-Tou

  1. Toronto pro hockey spring shootout

    Will the Canadiens 04 represent Quebec at the 2014 Brick Invitational ? I noticed the Montreal Ice Storms are now wearing Habs-like jerseys

    Bulldogs beat Montreal 4-3 in the semi and went on to win 4-1 vs. Pro Hockey in the finals.
  3. Toronto pro hockey spring shootout

    yes, good luck ! I don't want to be disrespectful, but this is a serious tournament. It would be an achievement for either of the Quebec teams to make it to the final... Max, the odds of both teams making it all the way are very slim... The Stallions, will be missing their stars in the back and up front - I was told they will be playing with the Quebec 03 Brick team. Without their two top guys, I doubt they will be as competitive as they were in previous years ! G-C

    There was supposed to be a conference call where all the evaluators would discuss their rankings. Then the Brick people were going to select the team and communicate the status of the kids via email... Has anyone gotten an email yet ?
  5. Équipe Super 2002 LEAAAQ

    votre equip ai beaucoup 2003 ?
  6. Deux-Rive Split

    In the West Island it looks as though Pierrefonds is about to get rid of Ile Bizard. Can anyone shed some light on how this will be an improvement for the players ? ... I personally don't see how it will ! Since at Ile Bizzard we have a smaller pool of players, this decision would imply that some of the better first year players who played BB this year could have to play CC next year. It appears that adults are, once again, putting their interests ahead of the kids' !
  7. Deux-Rive Split

    An acquaintance of mine sent me a document from Hockey Lac St-Louis dated Feb 20th. This part is quite interesting: Le conseil d'administration de Hockey Lac St-Louis s’est rencontré récemment afin de discuter de la classification et de la structure régionale pour la saison 2013-2014. La prémisse de base, est de mettre en place une structure où chaque joueur pourra jouer à tous les niveaux possibles et selon ses habiletés, le tout dans une ligue le plus équilibré possible. Ceci étant dit, le conseil d’administration s’est fixé un seul et unique objectif pour la structure et le voici : Le joueur doit évoluer dans un territoire où il aura accès à toutes les classes disponibles sans exception, à savoir AAA-AA-BB-CC-A-B-C, afin de maximiser son développement et de jouer à un niveau qui convient à ses habiletés. If I understand correctly, it means the split will not occur and the associations which currently do not have BB will be forced to merge with an other association. JCAC, I don't believe we know each other - I read some of your posts on this forum, very few were in French ??? - can you send me a private message to clarify this ?