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À propos de Gally11
Joueur de 2e trio
Any updates on the 2 Quebec teams? Are the teams complete or are there still openings?
The schedule is now out. Looks like a good way to start off the season. Who will win?
I hope most parents share the philosophy of having their kids play at the highest level they're capable of and competing to their maximum potential. Whatever the outcome is after that should not really matter in the end. Winning yet not developing and enjoying the process is a fools journey and done more for parents than the kids...
That is true and a lot of kids have changed teams.
Beauce had a strong team last year as did the Scorpions. It would be nice to have 3-4 different winners this year. How does Stallions Gold look this year?
Is there a clear favourite or are the teams pretty close, at least on paper? The Gouvs tourney should be excellent.
As long as the games are intense, fast and the boys compete hard it will be a great Spring season.
How close will all the D1 teams be? Could there be as many as 10 teams with a chance to win tournaments? If so, this will be a great Spring season for the boys development.
Is the team complete now? Who are the assistant coaches?
Everybody staying at different hotels, condos, etc does go against the team concept. Also, most kids love the social aspect of competitive team sports almost as much as the game itself and to not have or encourage that takes away the social development that kids need as well.
Congrats to your son!
Stallions2004, Why would they not give your son a release? That does not seem right at all.
I heard there were 5 kids confirmed after the first skate. They probably made a few grand from the skate the other day. It's too bad that some people take advantage of families.
Most of the parents that did it last year are saying the same thing so why are things not changing? Are we fools to go to this event knowing what we already know? Do the coaches tell the kids/parents what role their child will play? I don't want to waste my time and money and I know most parents even if their child makes the team may still not go. The Brick is supposed to be an unbelieveable experience but man it's a lot of money if they do the same thing as last year.
Was the coach even there? At the meeting after it was just the organizer, owner and FG. Who are the people actually picking this team? Would have been nice to hear from the coach and find out what the plan is for the team.