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Tout ce qui a été posté par Retired33

  1. AAA 2001 (Résultats, Équipes, Top Joueurs)

    Le sujet a 13 pages de bon discusion. Quelques commentaires en anglais ne change rien. Pres - Votre anglais est très bon!! honnêtement
  2. AAA 2001 (Résultats, Équipes, Top Joueurs)

    WOW .... very closed minded ..... Lina et Warriors 2001 .... Je crois que son avis est dans la minorité .... I hope so anyways!
  3. Luc Bourdon

    Deepest sympathies to the Bourdon family.
  4. A Vendre / For Sale Jambieres 26" Itech 4.8 X factor Block / Mitaine Itech 4.8 X factor Tres bon condition Si vous etes interese , Je peux envoye des photos. Full Set of Itech 4.8 Xfactor Goalie equip 26inch Pads Matching Blocker and Trapper Jr Size. I can e-mail pics for those who are interested
  5. Appui à hockey québec pour le retrait des lates

    Excuse the english, however it only makes sense that hockey quebec follows the rest of Canada, and for that matter all other sports within the province of Quebec. There will be some players that this will effect in a negative way. However let's estimate that for the remaining 80% the change will have no effect. Ce c'est mon opinion.
  6. Atom BB Pre-Camp

    This will be our first year Atom and in our region we are required to register and participate in a PreCamp in order to be eligible to be part of the selection camp in August. Is this a standard method of selecting teams or does it vary from region to region? :?:
  7. Atom BB Pre-Camp

    Thanks for the info / Merci pour l'information. The more I dig into it the more it looks like a means of gathering a bank balance.