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Messages posté(e)s par GARY.DOUTHWRIGHT

  1. I hope you are right SOB,But sometimes it is not always the best players that make the best teams .A hockey team is like a spagetti sauce you need all the best ingredients,to be sucessful .I learned that from a very good coach .....but I do like the new format if that is what they are planning to do....... :D

  2. Hey c'est mario, mario etait tu a genou :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Pourqoui Cest comentaire ....???? Cest pas nessicaire.....Jamerai te racontre mon Facts que tu peut mas dire les affaire come ca dans mon visage......Ce la etais pas Normal mon homme ......Je vas demande au moderateur qui vous ete je te promise........... :D

  3. the tournement was booked well in advanced the bus was paid the rooms were booked ....WOW this is incredible......and with that facts I know where you are getting all your information ...and I hope every coach dosn't bend to there parents because the day we do ..all you parents should apply to be head coach or president of an associations ...If you only knew the time these men and women give to there would be silent .....or do it yourself any takers ..........

  4. I do not need to ask the parents I was the one who told one of our managers to order redbull then he said I don't think it is a good Idea then i told him no no i mean gatorade,...then I had enzyme come say no red bull for my kid I told him no It was a mistake I mean gatorade then i went table to table and told every parent to buy there kid a gatorade red or blue ..that is the story ........the only story ...I said it to your buddy facts and sob and enzyme and igiloo knows it also............. :D .....So you are feeling ...a little left out....the only reason why i knew SOB and FACTS were talking about our club is one of them told me who it was who talks to I knew it was us so before you jump to should get all the story strait.......... :D .......Before you get in way over your head over such a minor story that a few hockey experts here on POC have nothing better to do than to exsagerate about...............So now you have the story can you sleep now ....all of you up till 12.30 am .....WOW ..hahahahahahaha

  5. Must be sad to try to invent stories to put down our Montreal based hockey clubs.If your source is so sure that you are willing to come on an open fourm and rip into the Montreal clubs reveal your source and yourself....cause obviously you are talking about one of our Montreal clubs.......... :D ...I know Marty very well and and if he say's his team is clean they sure are ..I know we give our kids gatorade....So what club are you refering to FACTS AND SOB HAVE A SURE SOURCE ........Tell me the team and your source so we don't start any rumours .......Some people will do anything for a story.......

    JUST SO WE GET THE FACTS STRAIT ...IT WAS A MISUNDERSTANDING SOME ONE SAID RED BULL WHEN IT WAS GATORADE...SO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT SOB...AND FACTS ...I AM ANXIOUS TO MEET YOU FACE TO FACE SO WE CAN DISCUSS THINGs IN PERSON I WOULD LOVE TO ....... :D :D :D :D :D now you have the real story , So all you people there is no story just the truth isn't that sad SOB no evil to report no dirty laundry what will you do now say the Maroons are coached by Zombies...........stories stories ...... :D :D

  6. Well Well Well.........You all missed a great game ..Honeybake nice Job I think it is the first time they met a team that could match them.......Job well done Montreal....of all the people who doubted us ......One unlucky break and the win was for the Honeybake ...if that is the best in north america...well I like to play them best of seven.....Be proud Maroons be very Proud droping a game to a team that has been together for 4 years...4 to 2 well I am pleased and so is the Island of Montreal....Great to the playoffs.... :D :D :D :D

  7. I will give the details , About the Great Mario I have been greatly mistaken,Mario Lemieux Is the most respectful Gentlemen ...I am shocked at a local paper that had the Balls to knock him ...Mario before and after the game his teamed played against us...signed and signed and signed even more ...then took pictures and signed some more...all the time with a smile ..I just want to say thanks Mario for giving some kids from Montreal ...some great Memories ...thank you..... :D :D :D


    ......Well the Maroons are still there thanks for all the Quebec fans we hear your cheers and we really love it thank you also........ :D :D :D

  8. This tournement is so amazing....such talented many good orgainizers.....and the kids you see it in there face as you pass them in the hall that look of Nervousness mixed with we can beat your team ....way too much fun....all the pin collectors and the people signing cards ..PRICELESS.....for everything else there's Mastercard....LOL..... :D

  9. Thanks for the heads up snouky40.I will let the kids know.thanks for your encouragement. :D


    Hey SOB I trust no one..Only GOD....just thought I'd let you in on nothing suprises me.... :D


    I am anxious to see the out come today in Quebec ...getting closer.. :D :D :D :D
