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Tout ce qui a été posté par Président


    BEN NON. Je tien a ma casquette :lol:
  2. ... 202013.xls

    L'Horaire. ... i_2013.pdf

    Le titre dit tout... :wink: ... boisbriand

    Une certaine organisation ne voulant pas perdre la face a réussis a faire inclure 3 joueur sur la liste final du CSR cette semaine.

    Me semble qu'il y a pas beaucoup de 15 ans d'une autre ligue :lol: :lol: :lol: Je parle pas de l'Ontario carey calme toi :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Coupe Telus Midget AAA

    Carey :oops: :oops:
  8. OHF Ontario introduit vote pour banir mise en echec

    :lol: est bonne Rookie.
  9. OHF Ontario introduit vote pour banir mise en echec

    Info from GTHL on voting on Bodychecking April 30 2013 at 5:41 PM No score for this post Anonymous (no login) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was posted today on the GTHL website: GTHL Survey Results and Proposed Body Checking Rules Changes to body checking rules to be voted on at Annual Meeting. TORONTO (Tuesday April 30, 2013) - The Greater Toronto Hockey League (GTHL) today released the results of its recent participant survey and proposed changes to body checking rules to be brought before its Annual General Meeting in June. The GTHL recently surveyed its participants, including parents, players and team and club officials,who provided their views on: • the appropriate age and category for the introduction of body checking in the GTHL competitive divisions, • steps that can be taken to improve player safety, • rules relating to player movement, and • general comments with respect to improvements to the League. The GTHL received thousands of responses from participants involved in all age groups, and thanks all respondents for taking the time to provide valuable input in regard to these important issues in our sport. The comments reflected the participants’ thoughtful suggestions on a wide variety of hockeyrelated subjects. The survey questions and results included: Should the GTHL raise the age for commencement of body checking from age 11 as of December 31 (the Minor PeeWee division) to age 13 as of December 31 (the Minor Bantam division)? • 62% of respondents who were involved in the Single “A” category were in favour of this change, • 57% of respondents who were involved in the “AA” category were in favour, • in the “AAA” category, 38% of respondents were in favour of such a change and 62% were opposed, and • of total respondents, 58% were in favour of raising the age of body checking. Should GTHL rules be amended to provide that body checking would not be permitted in the “A” category at any age? • 58% of respondents from “A” hockey were in favour. The survey asked respondents to indicate the most important steps which the GTHL could take to further improve player safety in the League (aside from changes to body checking). • The most commonly identified steps were: improvements in referee training, supervision and rules enforcement; increased suspensions for aggressive play infractions; and improvements in skills instruction. The survey also asked about the rule change made in 2011 whereby the GTHL removed the requirement that a player must obtain a release from his former Club in order to move to a different team. That is, all players become “free agents” at the end of every season. • In the survey, 79% of all respondents favoured retention of free agency. The GTHL Rules Committee and Board of Directors have held a number of meetings to discuss the results of the participant survey, the comments received and other data and advice which had been reviewed and provided with respect to body checking in minor hockey. The GTHL recognizes that there have been numerous studies by physicians and sports scientists, and that there is an on-going debate among parents, players and coaches, about this issue. Other hockey organizations are considering this issue carefully. While the GTHL will continue to monitor those developments, the Board has determined that the GTHL Clubs will be asked at the June, 2013 annual meeting to approve the following changes for play in the GTHL competitive divisions. Body Checking Age: If approved, the commencement of body checking would be raised from age 11 (Minor PeeWee) to age 12 (PeeWee) in the 2013-14 season, and to age 13 (Minor Bantam) in the 2014-15 season. (The reason for the proposed phase-in over 2 years is so that players in Minor PeeWee, who have become accustomed to body checking in the 2012-13 season, would not have to cease for one year and then re-commence body checking in the following season). “A” Hockey: With respect to body checking in “A” hockey in the GTHL, in addition to the proposed rule change above, it is proposed that body checking would be eliminated in Bantam and higher age levels progressively year by year, starting in the 2015-16 season. However, the GTHL would review data and survey “A” players and families again in two years, before proceeding with this change. The GTHL Board believes that these proposed rule changes are in keeping with current thinking on sport safety and that these changes, if approved, will enhance skill development in our League. It should be noted that, while body checking would be eliminated under these proposed rule changes in certain age groups and levels, angling and legal “body contact” would continue to be a part of the game. In addition to these proposed rule changes, the GTHL will introduce a series of body checking clinics for players in Minor PeeWee and PeeWee hockey at practices, so that they will be better prepared for body checking when it commences in games in later years. The GTHL will also add further emphasis in its referee training programs to identifying and calling penalties pertaining to illegal checking. These proposals must be voted on by the GTHL member Clubs before being implemented. Furthermore, the proposed changes are subject to any more restrictive national or provincial rule changes that may be implemented. The Greater Toronto Hockey League is the largest amateur hockey league in the world. There are over 40,000 participants registered annually with the GTHL.
  10. OHF Ontario introduit vote pour banir mise en echec

    L'Ontario qui vas plus loin que le Québec sur la mise en échec. Coudons sont tu rendue comme nous autres des TARRÉS ET DES INCOMPÉTANTS :lol: carey un retour au Québec car ici pas de mineur majeur mais du contact pour les premières année :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
  11. Rmeurs instructeurs Hockey Montréal Élite

    Même qu'un instructeur de la rive nord a appliqué sur le poste. Je pensait bien qu'il aurait le poste theben. Est tu certain que ces celui de Laval qui a été confirmer ?
  12. Coupe Telus Midget AAA

    Tiens Éric suis aller vérifier juste pour toi. :wink: M19. 93x2 94x3 95x9 96x11 97x0 67. 95x4 96x13 97x2
  13. Coupe Telus Midget AAA

    A oui 2 a 1 wow équipe composée de joueurs de 17-18-19 et 20 ans ont tenue tête a des Ti cul de 15 et 16 ans suis impressionner sans bon sens. :roll:
  14. Ulysse suivi par des dépisteurs de la LNH

    Je quitte bientôt pour l'Ontario :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Coupe Telus Midget AAA

    Toute a faite.
  16. Ulysse suivi par des dépisteurs de la LNH

    :oops: :oops: :oops:
  17. Coupe Telus Midget AAA

    Si ils l'emporte ça seras a cause de l'abolition des lates et si ils perde mais on blâmeras le système qui est pas mineur majeur :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. La LHPS et le civil peuvent-il coexister ?

    La preuve a été faite ce soir que oui ces possible et après trois années de promesse ce grand moment est finalement arrivé ce soir à Blainville. Oui Mctru et Président assis cote a cote à siroter une tit fret et a jaser de leur passion commune. Ce que j’en retiens est que nos philosophies sont bien plus proche une de l'autres que de ce que l'on peut en penser. Oui dans toute les organisations certaine font en sorte que l'on généralise les mauvaises expériences mais si on y s'arrête il y a plus de positif qui en ressort à jaser avec la majorité. Mctru très belle rencontre et au final ca valait la peine d’attendre :lol: :lol: Au plaisir :wink:
  19. La LHPS et le civil peuvent-il coexister ?

    mctru est mon ami !!!
  20. L'Armada libère Stefan Matteau

    :oops: :oops: :oops:

    Moi aussis :wink:
  22. La LHPS et le civil peuvent-il coexister ?


    :lol: :lol: :lol: Ouin il y avait du monde cette soiré la :lol:
  24. Liste final de la LNH

    Des surprises ? On constate que la LHJMQ est en croissance pendant que la OHL et la USHL qui devait être de ''next big tning'' est en décroissance. Comment expliquer ce spectaculaire revirement de la LHJMQ ?