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the hockey fan a commencé à suivre Slushman
Slushman a commencé à suivre the hockey fan
Bonjour AL2003 oui mon petit jou pour TOTAL HOCHEY RED cetait des tres bons match entre les deux equipes,looking forward for next year.
Hi guys! I wanted to congradulate the 2 Quebec teams,they both did very well in Toronto, everyone on THR really enjoyed playing againts your little guys,it was very exciting from beginning to end, all your players are very talented and we look forward to playing your teams next season.Good job coaches for putting 2 very good teams together.
Hi lucic,i'm sure the 04's in quebec are a power house all i'm saying is it would make a great match between the 2 teams.You should look into it and good luck with your 04s this spring
If you are going with a team quebec,you will find great competition againts TOTAL HOCKEY 04'S best team in ontario last year, and from what i see they are even stronger this year.
pour les tryouts des bulldogs ils ya 2group de 30 jouers chaque qui ont etait invite ,oujourdui a la arena tomken twin ices la deuxieme group sera sur la glace carey si ca vous interesse daller les voir et apres ils vont choisir petait 85% DE lequipe .ils vont garde des place overt pour le final tryout dans decembre pour complete lequipe ,incase there is players they didnt see play cause there is alot of talent in the minor AAA WINTER TEAMS here in toronto.carey la pratique est a 1hr15 jusqa 3hr15 tompkin arena 4495 tompkin rd . missisauga .jai entendu dire que hier les 30 jouers du premier group etait fantastique
those kids from the riot are verygood and should have no problem making the brick team.
oui jetais desus moi aussie mais je peut te dire que les enfants qui on joue pour moi ici du quebec mon montre beaucoup de courage et on tres bien competitione .... cest vraiment tous des excellent jouers :D et excuse moi encore pour tavoir insulte .....oui la deuxieme parti etait pour HNIC .MERCI ET A LA PROCHAINE SAISON :wink:
la nation ...jai mal compris ton text mais je veux qaundmeme mettre des chose au claire ........depuis quand jai pris control de lequipe les enfants on tres bien competitione , a rosemere 2v-1n-1d et a toronto 2v -2d et au meltdown 1n-3 d.....les game qonds a perdu au meltdown on les gagne en 3 iems periode et on a perdue par 1 but dans la fin de la game apart de big blue biensure , je pense pas que vous pouvez dir que lequipe etait pas forte ......le premier tournoi javais pas de control et tu peut pas mettre le blame sur les enfants ( they didnt have their goalie and there was other personel reason that didnt help them)pour repondre a HNIC QUE LES JOUERS VIENS DE POINT AU PIC OU CHINA JE COMPREND PAS TON POINT :? this is super AAA you go get the best as far as im concerned everybody does it and you will keep seeing everybody do it so get used to it cause your team will be out of competition if you honestly believe that all your kids will stay on top :idea: .the top teams in the tournaments even did it,think about it even in the NHL YOU HAVE PLAYERS THAT CANT KEEP UP AND SENT DOWN TO FARM TEAMS !so what makes you think that your kids will all stay on top as they get older ?every year you will have kids that will be developing stronger and stronger and you should take that into consideration or you will be out of competition very soon :wink:example :i was talking to one of the teams from toronto and they commented on a team whos name is not important cause this is just an example ....but they said that the team was a bunch of cherrypickers waiting at the other blue line and thats all they did ....now do you think that team will be able to compete when the game becomes even stronger ? can they really afford to play shorthanded all the time later on cause some kids are cherrypicking at cente rice? ? this game will get harder and faster and new players will enter the circut ...yes you will keep most but you will always need new blood if you want to keep in the competition. these are tournament teams so you only really have 2 months at a shot so im sorry i dont agree with your point !
la nation yes your right i take it personel cause there are certain people that just like to attack and im kind of fed up with that ! but im sorry if i thought you were one of them .....and if you know what went on this season then im sure you understand i did the best i can to save face and be competitive and not make any other team waist their time playing us ....but i am proud of the kids that played for me cause they are verygood players and proved it on the ice ....one thing is for sure next year i will build the team up myself and only myself so it can and will compete againts the best .....see you next season :-)
hi hnic we had 8 regular players that played every tournament and 5 players that couldnt commit or didnt want to commit for whatever reason is not important ! im not here to insult anyone ,but what i can say is if they would all show up at the same time we would of been extremly strong ....instead we ended up bieng just as strong as most quebec teams .if you believe that AAA hockey is about having only players from your backyard .....you will learn in the near future that you will need to change players cause they dont all have the capacity to keep competing at that level at an older age.... anyway i injoyed the competition and i will be back with my real team next season and that will be a AAA TOURNAMENT TEAM CAUSE FOR ME THATS WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT ! COMPETITION !SEE YOU NEXT SEASON :-)
your right i had to make a decision cause of some personel reasons so i took over the team and made sure we honored our tournaments ....you should all respect that cause the other would of been to just cancel our games and you people would of had noone to play againts or a really weak team instead of a competitive one like ours !but i still can honestly say that the 7-8 reguler kids that stayed were great kids and battle right to the end :wink:
la nation ....that you want to show everyone our record is absolutly childish but i still think your off a little bit,but please share with us who you are so we can comment on your team :wink: ...but if it wasnt for personel matters with global we would of had our full roster and not missed any of our players ! but thats all past and not important anymore cause the season is over :wink: so next year you will get a chance to show my team when you play us how strong you are ok ! have a good winter season and see you next spring...... dino !
tof2001 ! you know with me its all good and i am one person who belives in true competition....but maybe i understood your message wrong i guess .....but i dont think global will have a super 2001 team next year cause i am moving out of the province and for that reason will not be with global anymore that should fix that problem.next year i will be forming a traveling team with my players from ontario and usa and probably a couple from here to play in the meltdown and other strong tournaments like ronald etc...what i was trying to say before is that all four teams were competitive and i dont think any of the four were out of place ....they all beat teams from ontario and won againts each other so to me it was very competitive for everyone and for someone to say that they didnt belong is not fair and selfish in my opinion ! trust me every buddies shit stinks and when i read idiots on poc trying to hypocritically sell their team under a fake name and insult others that makes me sick and i have a hard time holding it to myself because at the end of the day those punks under fake names are insulting kids . now i know some of these idiots well but i will not mention their names ....you know for some of these fakies that need to insult others to make people think their good as far as im concerned are a big 0 !!!!!anyway congradulations on your great season ,you deserved it :D well see you next season :wink:
la nation ,stop with your bullshit breakdown please :roll: is super defi in quebec or china ???? cause global if i remember correctly had 2 wins and a tie in that tournament :wink: here let me help you a little bit we beat the vipers 3-1 and the nordiks 5-1 and tied the ice men 3-3 :wink: that must make you pretty sad huh i bet it even spoils your day :lol:you must be another lions patriot cause you as well seem to think lions should of beat the vipers ! how odd :wink:
DAF ,jai une question pour vous pourquoi mettez vous les lions a place des vipers ? si jai bien suivi les tournois les vipers ont battu les lions a chaque fois :? je ne dit pas ca avec mechante parceque jai des amis dans les lion et cette equipe est tres bonne .mais faut donne lheurre juste quandmeme .anyway je tiens toujours dans mon opinion les petits blizzard ,vipers, lion et global ca resemble pas mal :-)