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the hockey fan

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Tout ce qui a été posté par the hockey fan


    mtcru , i think we have too many teams in our strong categories and not enough in the weaker ones ,you take other provinces for the elites they chose there players from a bigger area ,in turn they have stronger teams and these kids that are chosen play stronger calibre all year and the results will show on there performance at the end of the year .regardless how small they are .that on its own is a good developpement for the good young athletes and when its time in bantam to train for the elites there one step ahead of the game .im not saying the lesser hockey players shouldnt learn or improve ,what im saying they should do it with there respectful group and not were they dont belong .our problem is that not all the teams have the right staff to teach our kids and to add that we have no ice either really dosent help the situation!!but ive seen alot of A players that werent able to touch the puck all season and if they were in the B they would of built some confedince in the game which would make them want to improve instead of lose intrest cause they are not capable of competing. on fait du mal a nos enfants quand on les mets avec des enfants qui sont trop forts,ils ya des cas ou des enfants compte 150 buts est dautre touche pas a la rondelle tu pense pas quonds fait mal a au deux ?lui qui compte 150 buts passe jamais la rondelle pis lautre la touche jamais !avec le fait que on a pas de glace pour des pratique (oui 3 pour 1 game meme 2 pour 1 tres bonne idee) et des entraineurs qui sont pas capable faire la job comme ils faut ca aide pas le hockey(je ne parle pas des entraineurs 2 lettres) !pas tous les entraineurs ,ils ya des bons aussie .cest pour cette raison que je aime blainville beaucoup je pense cest tout du monde de hockey qui sont implique est on vois la difference dans leurs resultas .good coaching and training :wink:

    le staff cest sure cest pas du meilleurs ,training non plus vous avez reason ,mais si en dehors du quebec les equipes elites son beaucoup moins que nous avons est ca marche tres bien ,and we all know that there much stronger than quebec :idea: ca doit etre parceque notre system est meilleurs right !

    la reponse pour moi est oui ! prends 2 enfants egale un qui jou dans une ligue tres fort est lautre dans une ligue moin bonne et just le fait le jouer qui etait oublige a patine plus fort la season ca va faire une belle difference entre les deux jouers a la fin de season.est pour avoir une ligue forte on a besions moins dequipes est choisir de un plus gros bassin .

    oui mal exprime luis ! mais pour mois aussie je pense juste les meilleurs avec les meilleurs ,meme si ils ya na du monde qui dis que il ya pas delite avant bantam ! oui je comprend tous ca mais on devrai toujours gardez les vrai calibre ensemble parce que les jeune de haute calibre vont etre pret pour lelite quand cest leurs tour :wink: et les moins bon vont toujours avoir la chance de ce developpe aussie dans leurs propre category .je suis pas daccord avec le system oujourdui developpe la masse parce que cest les tres bon jouers qui perd avec ca .

    si tu est pas un vrai elite faut commence a accepte du BB ou CC ,non ? est si tu veux joue AA well start working out :!:

    mois jai toujours dit pour avoir un meilleur resultas moins dequipes elites est juste les meilleurs avec les meilleurs peut importe la grandeur !!! your the best you play with the best :wink:
  7. Ligue 3 contre 3 des Canadiens au Complexe sportif Bell

    can i register my son as an individuel player ?is there a team that needs players ?
  8. Facteurs de succès au Hockey Mineur

    on a deux chois surclasse ou faire moins des equipe elite et choisir les jouers de un bassin plus gros .si on surclass toute les bons jouers cest correct ,mais petaite cest mieux ci on les garde dans leurs age respective ? mois dans le 2000 et le 2001 jai vus beacoup de jouers qui sont tres forte je suis sure que si on faite moins dequipe avec tous cette jouers on va avoir du bon hockey ,example a laval a place davoir 16 equipe novice A on en faits juste 8 , et plus de b et c .pourquoi on et oblige de faires 16 equipe quand ont a pas les jouers pour les remplir ?
  9. Facteurs de succès au Hockey Mineur

    knight les moins bon vont faire des surprise je en doute pas est quand ils font comme dans le passe ont les monte au elite mais pourquoi relentir ce qui son deja bons ?
  10. Facteurs de succès au Hockey Mineur

    bien dit price ,ont devrais jamais relentir un bon jouer pour donne chance a un moin bon ! je trouve ca redicule cette facon de pense .we destroy a naturel player to make the others catch up :idea: cest pour cette raison que on a pas beaucoup de jouer qui sort de quebec dans les gros prend quoi pour comprendre que on essaye de faire trop d elite ! le system est tous croche et ont vois tres bien les resultas :wink: le system de mon temps ils faut le ramener les annee 70 quand les equipe elite etait juste des vrais elite .et oui on a trop dequipe elite a quebec :(
  11. Best Novice A Team

    well maybe we should hear from the coach ?see what he has to say !and im sure hes reading this subject :wink: i mean if its not true he should defend himself,cause right now im sure he lost alot of popular votes !
  12. Best Novice A Team

    le vrai from what i understand there is no hatred for the little boy ,everyone says hes great !this story is about the coaching staff behind him and how they made him repeatedly take other kids places .and for alot of parents and outsiders it is verywrong to do that to kids at that age , i agree that when a kid misses a couple of shifts its a great time to motivate him into playing harder but in this case it wasnt a couple of minutes for some kids it lasted the hole season :wink: and for me thats teaching a kid how to hate the sport and feel like a loser :idea: how ever i agree the parents should of never waited till the end of the season even if it meant bieng on bad terms with the coaches ,but then again who cares if there benching there kids game after game they certainly wouldnt be friends of mine anyway.#10 is a great player and if he continues playing a one man show he will not be effective later on and thats a fact ,for 1) he will never respect his team so noone will want him ,2)he will rarely pass the puck !!!bad habits are hard to break after a certain age ! 3)the older you get the better and faster other kids skate trust me its easy to stop kids that dont pass the puck and are a one man team !and this goes on and on thats why it is very important for someone to coach this kid as a group and not as one :wink: trust me i played competitive hockey and theres a price to pay when you dont pass the puck even if your a crosby.
  13. Best Novice A Team

    yes in fact if i were you id go to the same publisher and ask him to print the real story if he wants to have a good story and if he dosent tell him youll bring it to another paper and make him look foolish ,cause people want to hear more about what we are doing to protect and teach our kids than an 8 year old who might be playing baseball in 2 years ,this kid deserves the highlight cause im sure hes a good player but whats wrong with the papers to forget the fact that hockey is a team sport and that record should of been achieved by the hole team :idea: was the publisher sleeping on gas ?or maybe hes not very good at his job !the right thing was to present the team in full and then introduce there star player :roll: in any way shape or form should any of this land on #10 BACK HES A LITTLE BOY WHO PLAYS GREAT HOCKEY.the culprits are the adults who made this happen ! and as a coach i would love to have #10 on my team and teach him right cause he might have what it takes to go all the way and coaches like this can only ruin his future .
  14. Restructuration du hockey au Québec

    MERCI MON VOISIN mais de queceque tu dit jai bien raison de la facon que je pense et pour le hockey en europe jai mon nephew qui jou la bas est ca frappe la aussie avec des baggares comme ici petait un peut moins mais tien pour ta theory cest pas fort comme example !
  15. Best Novice A Team

    the president of your region or city should be the first one out the door ,for the coaches if they want to coach NHLstyle tell them to get a life and that they dont even do that in the NHL cause theyll burn there stars theres a limit to how much you can play a player :idea: now the fact that they bench there own kids for a win ,i dont even know if there fit to be parents they should go get counciling on how to treat kids :( but if people like yourself dont make a statement things like this will always happen to other kids and we need to stand up to this kind of abuse !!!!!!! REMEMBER THIS IS NOT ELITE HOCKEY THIS IS A BUNCH OF KIDS LEARNING THE SPORT :idea: WHAT A BAD WAY TO INTRODUCE AND TEACH THEM OUR SPORT ! SHAME ON YOU COACHES AND YES YOU PETHETIC PRESIDENT WITH NO BALLS TO STOP IT FROM HAPPENING :twisted:
  16. Restructuration du hockey au Québec

    malcommode ,je vais arrette de lire mon livre de archie si tu me promet de lire est essaye de comprendre queceque je dit OK! si je prend des cour de mise en echec et je commence a patine dune facon solid avec la tete haute naturelment parce que la que jai pris des cour jai change ma facon de patine !!!! oui parceque maintenant je pense automatiqment de me defendre contre un cheque et avant je ne le faissait pas !mais chance contre les blessure sont tu mieux? oui ou non :?: et si je vais plaque quelqun dans la bande je poigne un 2 minute ou meme 4 au meme 10 ,jai tu le gout de frappe quelqun oui ou non ?et si je me place devant un jouer pour larrette avec mon corps ils va tu aller a l hopital oui ou non ?des enfants qui connais pas la mise en echec ont une habitude en general de patine tres lazy et cest la ou ca peut devinir dangereux a cote dun enfant qui patine solid et la tete haute :wink: alors continu a lire vos studies et moi je vais continue de lire mon archie OK! PIS SI JAMAIS TAIMERAIS LIRE UN ARCHIE AVEC MOI TA JUSTE A ME DEMANDE JE VAIS TE PASSE UN LIVRE :wink: because if i listen to you then we should abolish all team sports with anykind of speed ,football,soccer ,HOCKEY , lacross etc.... or is it better to teach our kids to play safe,smart and clean :idea:
  17. Restructuration du hockey au Québec

    malcommode since you spoke to me in english and you live in the cavern next to mine ill answer you in english,if you take karate if you know self defense then you would have a better chance to defend yourself agiants an unexpected punch :wink: dosent mean you want to go punch people around you does it :idea: or are you so clued out that you cant see the advantage in knowing how to use it correctly .and let me assure you that when you know how to skate with a good position chanches are when you get an unexpected check you will bounce the right way and have a better chance to protect yourself ok apeman :wink: now you can continue reading your studies on this and that cause your not smart enough to figure out things on your own but leave the others alone who have a different opinion ! thankyou for understanding nieghbor :wink:
  18. Restructuration du hockey au Québec

    tu est tu serious malcommode ou quoi ? cest quoi que tu ne comprend pas ?tout les etudes au monde peu pas change le fait que le hockey est une sport rapide est ils va yavoir toujours des risque de collision de haute vitesse :idea: le danger vas toujours reste alors pourquoi pas prepare les enfants pour etre meiux protege !!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Best Novice A Team

    i know people will pound on me again for briging this up ! but who cares i say in my case i went to hockey laval and put pressure on them !the problem you faced is similar to ours and for a coach or coaches to do that is cause they have a good relation with your president :wink: so its completly useless to go see him i agree .but go higher than the president of lasalle ,they will tell you its not to them you bring a complaint so you should go back to see your president :lol: how nice wash wash !be firm and ready and tell them you will go public or do what it takes to show that they refuse to help you and sent you straight back to the problem !go more than just you and theyll be force to tell the president of your ligue to fix that problem or ship out .
  20. Best Novice A Team

    you know i feel for your son if thats the case ,i think its unexceptable to abuse kids to that point :twisted: talk to me that your coaches used tactics the last couple of minutes in a game and that can pass as ok but for a kid to play bench on regular routine :idea: i think they should throw the coaches out for good .you said you held yourself from speaking earlier not to punish your kid more and that was a big mistake at worst he be off the team and from what your saying he would of been better off not playing on that need to speak up againts this kind of abuse againts kids cause if more and more people dont let that pass as ok ! it will be harder and harder for coaches to pull that off .in novice that should not be allowed i would say atom as well .naturally i am going by what your saying but if it is true your record to me and im sure to alot of other people is nothing to respect cause most teams played by the rules and also made the best of what they had in a fair way for everyone on the team ,and if those teams would have those stats then they desevre reconition :wink: we had a similar situation here but there was no superstars on the team and i let them have it :x yes maybe i was blackballed with the coaches but it was such an embarrisment for them that all the kids played equaly after that .do not let people get away with that and dont let these hockey bozos try to scare off either ,next time stand up for whats right and remember who your doing it for ,you KID !!!
  21. Restructuration du hockey au Québec

    non malcommode le novice cest tres jeunnes ! petait de commence des clinique atomm bb
  22. Pourquoi le hockey est mon compétitif

    petaite je fais un error avec blainville ! sorry je pense de les avez vus jouers a 2 lignes :oops: mais ils y a beaucoup dequipes qui jou a 2 ligne qui sont bonne ! vien pas me dire cest faut .
  23. Pourquoi le hockey est mon compétitif

    patait vous avez raison mais pouvais vous explque pourquoi les equipe a blainville et lasalle etc ,son en majorite toultemps plus forts ?pourquoi aussie ils jou a 10 jouers et nous on jou a 14 ?petait on devrait joue nous aussie a 10 jouers une regle cest supose detre pour toulmond pareille cest tu encore HQ qui fait pas ca job comme ils faut ?
  24. Pourquoi le hockey est mon compétitif

    on se fait mascre contre des equipes de lexterrieure.on et pas capable de etre assez competitive avec eux .
  25. Pourquoi le hockey est mon compétitif

    parce que ils essaye de faire trop dequipes forte est ca fait que beaucoup de jouers sont pas capable de competitioner dans les equipes !!! ils on juste a faire leverse :idea: (plus dequipes moins forte a place )