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Tout ce qui a été posté par leducdan

  1. Best Novice A Team

    OMG OMG OMG I am the coach of the LaSalle Novice A Jaguars First of all our team had a great year and all our kid played this season to me hockey is a team sport and i try my best to teach my player's to play as a team. So don't say LaSalle coache's should be ashame. My coaching staff did the rigth thing all year long. At least i can say that at least in 1 games each kid from my team deserved the 1st star. Second thing My team went to burlington to play USA we had 2 game the 1st day agains the same team (St-Albans). after 2 period we were leading 9-0 and the other team was not toucching the puck. I went to see the coaching staff of the other team, to mix our teams togheter, so it would be fun for everyone. We won that game 13-0 and all my strong players was now playing defence. For the second game i took 5 of my player and send them in the other dressing room and he send me 7 of is in my dressing room to make balance teams . That game was a great success the score finish 9-9. The american parent came to me after that game saying that they never seen their kid work so hard to win that hockey game. what a great feeling to my ears. A team player Dan :cry: I buy the way i feel bad for the poor kids that got bench and dissapointed i hope i will get to coach your son next year