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À propos de 99AAA FAN
Joueur de 4e trio
....scuse moi Eric .... J'ai complètement oublié le troisième tournoi ...
P'tit Blizzard .... champions de tournoi 2 fois Vipers ............ champions de tournoi 2 fois Gouverneurs .... champions de tournoi 1 fois ???? Je pense que les trois équipes sont très égales ... day to day ... hot or cold ...
1 - Félicitations aux Gouverneurs pour leur victoire !! Excellent weekend for your team ! 2 - I believe that on this day the GOUVERNEUR RICHELIEU was the best AAA team .. on a previous day the Ice Storm were better however Sunday counts more then Saturday !! ... ce c'est le meilleur chose avec le AAA normale ... anybody can win "any given Sunday" ... Which in ...mon opinion est beaucoup plus de fun que gardez les super AAA boufe les equipe regulaire en finales. 3 - After their 3 tournaments I would have to agree that the GOUVERNEUR RICHELIEU should be at or near the top of the 2nd group!! Congratulations again GOUVERNEUR RICHELIEU :D A Fan
Like we say anything can happen !!! Looks like it did! I was unable to attend the games this morning .... however I still did not think that the prospects would be able to pull the upset ... Wrong !! The train ... J'ai d'accord avec ton opinion .. les resultats speak for themselves. kovatano ... interesting theory .... I've seen them play great games and then really bad ones .... perhaps they only lack consistency. Good luck to "Richelieu and Prospects "in the final!
Looks like the train has it right ........ Ice storm is 4 - 0 in Laval ... I thought perhaps the Gouvy Richelieu would catch them but they are not there yet ... However this tournament shows that the second block of teams are evenly matched and that the results will vary from game to game. Anything can happen but it seems that the Ice Storm is distancing themselves from the pack in the "regular" AAA group. Good luck to the 4 remaining teams!! ... Sunday should be fun! A Fan
Excellent response jsperron and Monsieur CH ! Excellente réponse jsperron and Monsieur CH !
Je m'excuse mes amis .. kovatano et ovi18 ... Je pense que le Vipers ons pas besoin de la protection par une fan ... J'aime beaucoup les aures clubs aussi ... j'ai juste marque leurs pointage .... Pour the Vipers in Niagara ... I believe they were 3 wins and 1 loss .... In my humble opinion that is more than respectable against that caliber of teams. In St Hubert as per the tournament website they were 4 wins and 2 loses .... both loses against the Gouveurneus select 1-0 and 2-1 ... by the way their goalie was awesome in the second game ... :!: :P I'm just reporting the facts ... not really an opinion. Respectfully yours A Fan !
"Que pensez-vous des Gouverneur Gauvin , Albatros ,Windigos . ils ont eu de meilleur resultats" Vipers 7 - 1 Gouveurneurs Gauvin Vipers 7 - 0 Windigos Vipers 4 - 2 Albatros ( Les Albatros ~ tres rapide ~ in the 4 - 2 game their goalie was spectacular!!) Si leur goaler jeu juste tres bien et pas spectacular c'est une victoire comme les autres ..... facile.
ok ... P'tit blizzard 2 Tournoi gagne Vipers 1 Gouveurneurs 1 Pas beaucoup des changements .... C'est tourjours les memes equipes qui gagne ... However it seem the Gouveurners have lost their position of dominance. It was only a matter of time. Congrats to the Gouveurners for their win in overtime .... Congrats to the Vipers for their win in Repentigny .... and finally to Quebec P'tit blizzards for their 2 tournament wins !!
haha .... good answer!
Wow ... if all your predictions are true ... You should change your name to "Karnac the great" !! bx ... ca c'est drole ... can I also ask when should I sell my Nortel stocks ?!?
Your point is a good one Mr CH ... One can't argue with the Gouveurners success. Their record speaks volumes of the teams talent. I have no first hand knowledge of the process however I do know that many Gouverneurs were asked to attend the practices and refused the invitation or were not interested.
One can only assume that Mr. McGrath and Mr. Perron with their extensive experience in Midget AAA and Quebec Major junior have tried to put the best club available together. Time will tell if infact they were successful. Good luck to them and their team of 99's !! :!: For those who believe that some have been neglected ... (Fanclub) (Mr CH), you may attempt to build your own super AAA teams and bring them to the Warrior in Pierrefonds. It would be interesting to compare your obvious hockey and scouting knowledge against proven hockey minds with years of experience in hockey. I wish your team the best of luck also! :wink: