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Tout ce qui a été posté par slyspy

  1. Tournoi VIPERS

    What a joke this tournament was. Only the vipers team should participate. Let them play against each other. First they fix the schedule and then you have to beat the vipers and the refs. How is it possible that they won every division this weekend? The organizers should be ashamed of this tournament. It is evident that less teamss are attending this tournament every year . I would have to think twice before attending this tournament again. Let them play by themselves the organizers against the refs. What a joke this weekend was.
  2. infos équipes québec u-14 + horaire tournoi brossard

    hockey hockey which game were you watching?
  3. Meilleurs def. 96 Ligue Montreal-Metro

    mon fils
  4. Les equipes de hockey lac st-louis

    Jonas as you can see above it is one of your old posts from last year. You can clearly see that not only do you know the kids number but also his name. I find it hard to beleive you are not from the region. I trully thought from last years posts you were even on the 3lac staff. Have a good year.
  5. Les equipes de hockey lac st-louis

    jonas Sujet du message: Re: meilleurs joueursPublié: Ven Avr 03, 2009 6:02 pm Joueur de 1er trio Inscrit le: Mar Jan 13, 2009 7:37 pm Messages: 159 pour les aigles 3lacs le meme club que marois Jonas how can you forget the player you talked about last year in PeeWee AA. It is hard for me to believe you had forgoten his number over the summer.
  6. Les equipes de hockey lac st-louis

    Who is 32 from 3 lac? I cannot remember him.
  7. Daniel SPRONG au essais Bantam AA de suroit

    Dear Mr. or Mrs. Warrior, I am sure that Daniel Sprong is going to be pushed up to espoir this year. Does it really matter to you that much where he will play next year. If you need tickets for the espoir games you can contact him in his new house in Suroit. Have a good winter.
  8. meilleurs joueurs

    Mme. Jonas il me semble que votre sont infactuated avec M. Sprong
  9. meilleurs joueurs

    Daniel Sprong 19 parties 39 buts 16 passe. National avant de parler verifier votre information. Jusque 55 points dans 19 match. Et le petit Sprong est un premier annee Peewee.
  10. Series Lac St-Louis

  11. Quel sont les meilleurs defenseur Pee-Wee AA au Québec ?

    dans lac st. louis bellefeuille et scott de trois lac
  12. meilleur joueur??

    Moi je dit il y a 1. Sprong (Deux-Rive) 2. Audette (Ouest) 3. Nantel (Laval)
  13. meilleur joueur??
