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Messages posté(e)s par aaabouef

  1. Boas Lasalle defeat Tornades Versant Ouest 3-2 tonight. Have not seen Boas play this year but they definetly did not look like a number 1 ranked team in Quebec. They could have lost this game as most of the game was controlled by the Tornades ranked in the seventies. Other then*******B_D. they have not much other offensive punch. Also the goalie should be playing Atom A not BB. Federation de L'est should be able to defeat them as I have seen them play earlier in this tournament. ******B_D is definetly there top player but he has more of a supporting cast of players and they play with heart and agression must be all that italian blood on that team. Good luck to both of these teams.



  2. Titan cs guimond played both teams last tournament lost 2-1 to the rockets close game and 3-2 early third period with demon royal 4th goal was of the cross bar and the rest was history.


    Titan can play with the best of them very competitive team they have good chance!!!!

  3. It takes more than natural talent it takes the desire to improve and be the best. I've seen 1st year atom BB 2000's and 99's that played 2 years BB and they do not excel at any other sports some kids are just born with natural skating talent and in mahg and novice that's all you need to be much better than the rest. Also it true that the kid that has no desire but there parents have them on the ice 7 days a week 365 days a year and they do not improve.

  4. Carey price


    Pour savoir pourqoui le jeune et marque 27 et 22 buts sans touche la ball de soccer avant cette date aucun idea. Mais ca prendre une talent naturel for sure.

    Il avais de jeune en europe qui pour dejoue cest jeune no problem cest Quebec cest pas le couer de soccer. Cest la memme chose avec football basketball baseball si tu joue pas cest sport aux Etats tu peux pas dire que et le meiuller. You need natural talent for sure but if the kid has no talent but has the desire anything is possible. Cest sur que il avais des jeune partout aux canada que sont meuiller de le top 10 quebec.


    Sorry for the french i hope you understand my opinion.

  5. Well said captain canada, this is a public site not a hockey canada or a pro scout site. Carey Price is one mans opinion for all we know he thinks hockey is played with broomball shoes!!!! What captain Canada is trying to say is let the kids reach bantam AA and then we will have a better idea who will be ranked as the top 30 in quebec.


    Even if they are ranked as the top 30 there are other kids in this country and around the world that can probably skate circles around these kids. Parents that have kids on these two teams must think there kid is in the N.H.L. already, because Carey Price said so!!!!! S.V.P.



  6. Does any one have news on there AAA program for this year? Having Bob Hartley and Denis Chalifoux as technical developers make them a legitimate team? Also what is the caliber of the Ateq division? Respond french or english.


    aaa bouef
