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Bobby orr

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Tout ce qui a été posté par Bobby orr

  1. regionnaux atome bb

    Lakeshore tigers 4 VErsant ouest TOrnades 3 in a shootout!!!! Versant was up with 2 minutes to go until a penalty was called and lakeshore tied the game on the power play! Felicitation aux deux equipes,,,,,one of the best minor hockey games jai jamais vu. Full marks a versant ouest for almost pulling off another major win !
  2. regionnaux atome bb

    Versant ouest tornades upset lakeshore panthers in opening round and in the verdun tourney lost 3-2 to lasalle in a very close game. They are much improved and they could be cinderellas choice to go to the ball
  3. regionnaux atome bb

    Tornades 4 - Requin 2 ------------------watch out for the Tornades-- !!!!!
  4. Regionnaux atom bb les grands surprises

    Qui son les equipes de grands surprises que persons a parlor de cette saison dans les regionnaux a ce moment.......