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  1. Wow !!! Des équipes surprises à St-Hubert !

    hi tony for your info your son played with mine and not from lasalle
  2. Wow !!! Des équipes surprises à St-Hubert !

    i am glad you think you know me but as for your number one fan i an not that for sure as for the other teams you will make as many teams so your son can play on i hope he is going to play atom bb next year that's right the won't let him move up
  3. Wow !!! Des équipes surprises à St-Hubert !

    i see the mighty stallions lost poor tony must have to go back to the drawing board
  4. Stallions/Titans vs Nordiques in Finals in Quebec

    hey tony still all about the stallions being the best you just can't say they were better then you guys you have to say they were the best competition for you maybe you were the best for them have you ever thought of that and i guess the canadiens jr bleu were no competition the only scored 49 goals they must be good to like i said its all about your teams
  5. Grenadiers de Suroît in dodge cup

    what happen to the so called NUMBER 1 team in lac st louis Grenadiers de Suroît and the NUMBER 2 Lakeshore Panthers who combined won only 1 game in the dodge cup i guess they are not as good as they think they are .before they go on how good they are they should wait till they see if they could win it all because when you start playing against teams outside of montreal it's A HOLE NEW GAME
  6. novice a pierrefond barons

    what's the matter tony never a reply on what i say about hockey just calling me names who's the loser know and by the way you are close on who it is maybe
  7. novice a pierrefond barons

    yes you are right i have seen other kids just as good or not better but if you are telling me that you can not tell kids to pass the puck then there is a problem in novice hockey and yes i seen 18 do it but he is a true defense men he picks his time to do it not like the 3 kids on the barons who only want to take a turn each i would like to know what they other parents on the team think if they were not winning and again i am not blaming the kids it starts with coaching my son went out to try out for a summer hockey last year and the first thing that the coach said they were looking for was kids to go end to end so when theses kids get to atom bb and cc we have to instill passing i don't know about your thinking but my is not the same when my son was in magh we would tell them to pass the puck when they were doing minnie games the fastest way to get to point a to b is passing
  8. novice a pierrefond barons

    go west island go number 18 is the best player i've seen
  9. novice a pierrefond barons

    hey tony is that the best you can do its people like you that make kids quit hockey because they don't have fun if they don't feel like part of the team you have not once denied that they do not pass the puck you get mad when someone does not tell you how good your son is i never said they were bad they are good but if you the loser showed them the real way hockey is played they would be unstopable and don't tell me how good your record is and how you are and i mean you as a coach stop living your dream through your son and for what i have done is a lot more then you will ever do carrying sticks and water bottles and a board is what you are good at now that's not attacking any kids
  10. novice a pierrefond barons

    hello tony yes you are right so you only pass the puck when you have no choice to is that your coaching i guess hockey quebec taught you that because i don't think you ever played hockey before maybe hog the puck you should ask the other players if the enjoyed watching along with there parents if they can speak the truth and not hurt your ego they would think t is a disgusting that you guys do not teach the 3 stars to pass except to each other and as for the puck control like i said i watched them pass back and fourth and never look to pass to anyone else i guess one off the stars is yours dumbass
  11. novice a pierrefond barons

    i went to watch the novice a regionaux champion games to see the so call great pierrefond barons well i was not to impressed with them they had three kids who were good 16 18 19 but someone should teach them that hockey is a team sport and you should pass the puck if that's what the show kids what to do in novice then the coaches of that team should stop coaching .what fun is it for the other kids on the team if they don't touch the puck. on one play a kids was going to get the puck and let the super stars take it end to end . i watched at one point the two defense men pass back and fourth until there was a opening to skate. they did not even think about passing it to they other kids on they ice . that,s why kids in quebec do not go any were .and for the three kids who played defense not one is a natural defense that i seen .lets see when the play double letters if they can go end to end with out the big windup .
  12. pee wee aan lasalle

    Hi bigdog367 You seem to me like a frustrated parent that his son didn't make Pat Leroux 's Team this year !!! are you ? I am coaching against Pat Leroux and I know him personnaly and I can tell you that he is a very good coach and I am sure that he did the right picks when he selected his team. Like I said , I am coaching against him and I didn't see 4 players on his Team that doesn't belong there ..... You would have 5 different coaches and you would have 5 different teams . You will see How the Cobras will improve this season and they will be prepared for next season ! They have a good system and the players are very intense ! Stop bikering ...... All coaches are volunters and doing a great job ! Hi Pilan No i do not have a son who plays for lasalle but i know that coach when his team is losing he has a rep to quit and as for next year they will not be a good as you think they were when he had them in atom bb and as for volunter he is most likelt being paid trust me and like i said there are at least 3kids that have not been picked if daddy did not have a good name maybe the canadians should hire him as asst coach hint
  13. pee wee aan lasalle

    hi **Stanley Cup** in december it will be the same thing 0 wins and maybe a new coach like i said he has a good team he;s the best but when he does not he will throw in the towel just what i have seen before
  14. pee wee aan lasalle

    hi **Stanley Cup** losing is losing lasalle will be lucky to win 5 games this year and for a two year program i guess beacaues the went undefeated last year in atome bb they think they will be a power house we will see
  15. pee wee aan lasalle

    hi 2KL8 please don;t take this the wrong way but this coach is known as quitter when he has a losing record he will quit and gives some lame reason