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Jacques Roussel

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Tout ce qui a été posté par Jacques Roussel


    Félicitations à ceux qui ont fait l'équipe. Beaucoup d'enfants talentueux. Il est vraiment dommage que le bassin de talents pour le 03 est si peu profonde qu'ils devaient prendre des 2004. Like Lucic said at the begining of the thread, they will find the most talented 03's..... unless there is a country club. Sniff Sniff,this country club has a noticable horse hoof smell to it. Best of Luck 03's ish

    Actually there is a lot of harm in deceiving people. Please proceed with caution when replying to this posters request. This is not the ICESTORM team. This is someone trolling for your childs info to use to their advantage. I'm sure the individual will come forward and correct me if I am wrong, with their name and telephone coordinates. Wouldn't you if your message was legit?

    It's not complicated. Let's have full disclosure. With whom has ANYONE spoken to that is representing the recruiting for this team? False representation when requesting personal information is a serious offense. I sent an e-mail to the individual requesting info and they were not courteous enough to reply. I am guessing that the lack of reply was an admission of guilt. If someone else is trying to field a team for the Brick out of QC, great, more power to them. But this team is not the ICESTORM team. Have a great night.
  4. Brick 2013 pour les 2003...

    So, just so I understand; There is a team Quebec tryout, which in reality is a team CALLED "Team Quebec." It has nothing to do with Quebec, except that it is a team in the province of Quebec. We should all change and arrange our schedules to tryout and then play tournaments for it? It is a great idea, everyone is patting each other on the back but not great enough to have any of the stallions tryout or play for it? They are above it and have their own team? Some of the best players in Quebec play for the Stallions, why are they not part of the makeup of that team? If Boutin or Lastarza coached a team Quebec at the Brick would they not have a group of their core players as part of the team? I'm not sure what the process for the Brick will be. Apparently you guys all have an inside track on info. I hope that a solid team is put together. I hope that people can be a little more productive as opposed to destructive about the project. The good news is this is the same conversation that has been going on since the inception of the Brick teams and it will be the same one going on no matter who selects the teams. It happens at higher levels ("real" team Quebec's and team Canada's). I hope you all have a competitive, enjoyable, safe AAA season. Regards RJ
  5. Brick 2013 pour les 2003...

    Al, You're a knowledgeable worldly guy. I'm sure you read the Ontario equivalent of Classment Poc. Do the people there seem any happier with the teams that they are sending to the Brick? For those that don't read that forum, the answer is no. The sky IS FALLING over there as well. The best kids are being passed over, the team is terrible and will not win a game. It should be noted; that forum makes everybody at this forum look like MENSA members. Maybe we can get a counter running in this subject to add more drama to it. 425 days 10 hours and 38 minutes and counting tic tic tic........ Good luck in the playoffs and the regionals. RJ
  6. Super Aaa été 2012

    Lucic, Thanks for the info. As far as IS goes they have many talented athletes on the team and a coach that is very experienced and fantastic with the kids. As for their goalie, if we are thinking of the same kid, he has been very fortunate to work with great coaches, practice with a lot of very talented kids and progress inspite of his father. :-) Lets hope it is a fun, competitive "AAA" season for all.
  7. Super Aaa été 2012

    Jcac, Do you think 5 teams is enough? Don't you think it would be more fun with more participants as opposed to less? Not sure what the Ice storm have planned for the coming season or the Brick. I think the approach that they take is geared more towards developing the kids in the spring season and allowing them time to focus on other activities and interests. Not saying that it is right or wrong, just different. As far as their goaltending goes, they have 2 pretty good kids in net. Unfortunately at this age goalies do not win you a ton of games. There are just too many great goal scorers out there and a lot of net to shot at.
  8. Super Aaa été 2012

    What are the prerequisites, if any, to play super? Which players did the Ice Storm loose (FB....?)?