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  1. la saison novice tire a sa fin

    Les Etoile de Monteuil has played both teams and yes it would be a great game. St. Louis de France has 2 very good players and the Barons have 3 very good players. If both teams play their top players to win (play most of the game). Then I think that the Barons would win. It would be a great game to see.
  2. Interrégional

    It was a very good game, Number 43 of the Titans is a great player, but as was said in a previous email he only came off the ice 3 or 4 times in the entire game. Also Laval had a 1-0 lead and then scored what appeared to be a second goal, only to disallowed because the ref did not see the puck in the Net. It should have been 2-0 at this point and it would have been a totally different game. I hate to see the ref`s change the game around. Congratulation to the Titans