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2004 Stallions/Titan D2 Champions Challenge Laval

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Congratulations to the Stallions/Titan 2004 D2 for winning the Laval Challenge tournament this past weekend defeating a very good Ice Storm team 4-0 in the finals. This team has come a long way since last year and it just shows that the Stallions development program continues to develop great talent. Once again congratulations to all the players, coaches, & parents!!!


Felicitation au Stallions/Titan 2004 D2 pour leur victoire 4-0 en finale contre un exellent equipe Ice Storm au tournoi Challenge de Laval. Cette equipe on progresser enormement depuis l'ans passe grasse a notre programme de development Stallions qui continue de developpe d'excellent tallent. Encore une fois, felicitation aux joueurs, coaches, & parents!!!



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