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Toronto King of the Ring (KOR 2)

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I know of a 2007 team that is going, but I'm not sure if they're looking for players.


The tournament is in Toronto though, not Kingston.



Here is a list of the teams that are registered:

You're absolutely right...too many tournaments!!! Corrected the title.


Are the QC teams made of pickup players?

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I just noticed that Mimico is now part of the 2007 list...I sure hope that the quebec teams are prepared because Mimico are extremly strong and they play together all year round. They basically destroyed everyone at the Meltdown.


Bonne chance

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The Mimico at the meltdown was a pick up team who were playing together for the first time, it was not the original team that will be in Toronto.

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I am curious to know who is part of the Royals team (or any other Qc team)...just wondering if my son should try to find a spot next year. 


If anyone knows, just send me a private message to give me an idea.



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