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OneHockey Int. Summer AAA Challenge

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OneHockey has never seen such good teams and talented players. 10 Countries are represented!


The tournament is 98% full. We have two or three openings in some division.


Send your resume to Shaun Lund, our director of recruiting. or call him direct at 888-784-6444 #113


More info at


Super AAA level players will be accepted.


Send your information his way please


Player Name:

Birth year:




How would you describe yourself in a few words:

Your current coach name:

Your current coach phone:


Tournament Dates


1993 - 1998

June 30 - July 3


1999 - 2003

July 7-10

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J`ai jamais vu un tournois offrir autan on vois une volonté de vouloir en devenir un incontournable en tout cas j`ai demender a recevoir de l`info sur ce tournois et tout ce qui est offert je pense qu`ils mettent tout en place pour devenir un tournois majeur dans le futur M. Fortier a Qui j`ai parlé m`a beaucoups impressionner je vais suivre cela de proche car je crois encore une fois que beaucoups de volonté est mis en place et cela veut dire eventuellement du bon hockey pour nos jeunes! a suivre....

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Excuser mon franglais


Merci Beaucoup. We always knew that were ran a very well-organized tournament, but now we have HIGH level players and teams to go with it.


We spent the entire winter scouting players at big event like the Quebec Peewee Tournament, the Bauer Invite, the Silver Stick, and many others. Only top 1 to 3 players on AAA and AA teams were invited to join us.


So many will be impressed this year and won't believe the level of these teams. The funny thing is, the players on our all American teams do not know each other. The only get a two hour practice and one preparation game the day before the tournament.

They will do well simply because, they are stacked with all stars players. Many teams are made off players from several areas like; Michigan, Quebec, California. Ohio, Finland, Alberta, New York and many others.


At this time, we have teams like Flypuck,,, and some of them may have an opening for a player or two.


Anyone out there in Quebec who feel they are AAAA (super AAA) level, SVP contacter moi pour plus d'info ( ou 888-784-644 #111

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Ca vient de commencer j`ai acheté 5 visionnement car on peut voir les match lives

a suivre ...

Je comprend pas ca devrait etre dans la section AAA été!

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