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captain canada

Playing down/ jouer un niveau inférieur

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I was wondering if an organization can prevent a player from playing in a lower level? My son who plays hockey for probably the worst organization was told that if he doesn't play defense for the peewee CC team, then he doesn't play at all. You see like many other organizations, this one has its favourites along with their usual politics. I am at fault for many of the things happening to him this seson, this is also the reason for not making bb. It had nothing to do with his skating or his speed as they would make me believe, but simply they don't like me. I am comfortable with that, and I can honestly say that I have learned my lesson. My mouth has cost my son to play to BB this year. But cutting a kid when even the kid knows and can see that he is probably the fastest kid on the team with and without the puck, forward as well as backward is just ludacris.


The issue that lies presently is that my son is beginning to hate hockey. He is very athletic and excels in many other sports other than hockey. This too, being their reason for cutting him after being part of their organization playing atom bb for 2 years.


I am not looking for sympathy from the public opinion, being this is a forum where people can post informations , suggestions, experiences, etc.., I just felt that people out there should know what is going on w/in some of these organizations.


My son who prides himself in playing defense wants to play as a forward in CC and I can't see whay he can't. The organization has only offered frivolous excuses time and time again. I sent an email to hockey quebec to see what their take is on this, and well, I am still waiting ( it has only been 1 day so far!)


My son does not want to play defense anymore b/c he doesn't feel like he is good enough after being unfairly cut from BB. He opinioned many times that he would like to play forward.


Does he have that right? Can an organization threaten or force him to play a position or he does not play hockey at all. They said they won't release him.

As of right now, my disgust I have for this organization or should say some members specifically, I feel to take my son to Ontario b/c they appreciate kids more than quebec.


I welcome all responses, opinions, suggestions.

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Un joueur a le choix de jouer à la position qu'il veut. Mais il doit annoncer au début du camp 2-lettres à quelle position il joue. S'il fait le camp comme défenseur et fait l'équipe en étant défenseur, il ne peut pas changer de position après avoir fait l'équipe.


Si le joueur annonce qu'il veut jouer comme joueur d'avant au début du camp, les entraineurs peuvent lui demander s'il veut jouer comme défenseur. Si le joueur refuse et il n'a pas sa place sur l'équipe comme joueur d'avant, il est retranché à un niveau plus bas.


Mon opinion.



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Il était dans le camp de bb comme un défenseur. Il a été coupé à CC et il a été clairement qu'il était il ya maintenant un avant et pas un défenseur. Je ne comprends pas quel est le problème. Pourquoi ne pas simplement laisser aller A. Jouer Le gamin ne veut pas jouer en défense. Ils se sont trompés avec lui l'an dernier à BB, et maintenant ils sont déconner à nouveau avec lui dans le CC.

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