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À propos de LUCIC

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    Temple de la renommée
  1. Canada East Selects

    Good start for the team Canada East Selects big win vs Sweden 2-0......Go Canada Go!!!!1
  2. Canada East Selects

    Team Canada Selects enjoy the great competition down in Europe, you'll have the times of your lives especially that its run by one of the top organizers in Montreal..... Bonne chance ou 2005 Team Canada Selects Tony
  3. Hi Guys, There will be a tournament, its called the 1ST ANNUAL FROZEN 8, 3 on 3 challenge in Kirkalnd..... This year we have 8 teams from ranging from Blainville, Laval, and Repentigy and 5 teams from the West island. Year of birthdates are 02-03-04s. All the top players in their age groups will be at this tourney!!!! Will be lots of fun!
  4. Tournoi des Équipes Québec des moins de 12 ans

    BTW! I did put my skates on, in the early stages, now I leave it to the specialists.....btw ! laval had 1 crazy father, Bengi, but laval doesn't listen and that's why we joined forces and came over to LSL.....THERE WILL BE MORE 04S COMING OVER NEXT YEAR !!!! GOOD LUCK! I know its hard to organize and to have good parents on board! p.s: thank you for the kind words Boque!!!.....
  5. Tournoi des Équipes Québec des moins de 12 ans

    Boque 100% correcte mes 2003 et 2004 they have followed me in training sessions since they were 4-5 yrs old, and some have been still training with me , even this Christmas camp!!!! the 2005s have decided not to train as much, hence the lack of performance at the u12....sacrifice is the key word here....and even at that, people think just because you train you automatically play better, wrong its all work ethic too.....and even at that.....its about team work.
  6. Saison 2016-2017 - Pee-Wee AAA - Meilleures équipes

    Francois, Merci, thank you, For your kind words, but to be honest there was a lot of parents involved along the way on the journey which started in the 2003s , and then it escalated to the 2004s..... Legault, Chaput and Ricci, were the 3 guys who were the back bone of our journey in the 2003s.... Robert Boutin was the original guy hope started all this with TEAM QUEBEC 2003..... In the 2004S Vidicek-Kelechian-Vetrano, who steamed rolled the 2004s, and today we are where we are, because of the sacrifices we did for our players. Karel Svoboda Raz Marcin Snita Gaston Gingras Denis Chalifoux All the coaches that helped the development of our boys.....and still going strong..... The philosophy is not to make NHLERs, that's their (kid) dream, but as a parent, a good education that will go along way with the help of hockey. I'm very happy there's lots of success in Lac St-Louis Lions in 03-04, but that's attributed to the parents of those successful kids who sacrifices for their kid! Tony
  7. Saison 2016-2017 - Pee-Wee AAA - Meilleures équipes

    WHOA!!! you got the right Google translate this time..... BTW! YES!!!!!!! I'M very excited to see that we have a good team, where there's no BS, real top NOTCH coaches what would any parents want, Both Lions team had a great weekend and a great Month, I don't know who you are because your Hiding your name like a DIRTY RAT, and RATS come from the sewers and or TRAILOR TRASH translate that one.... Peace and Amen! Tony
  8. Saison 2016-2017 - Pee-Wee AAA - Meilleures équipes

    Which google translate did you use, the Birtish one ? And yes the Lions are always cheating.....just like certain people who buy refs at there tourneys .....too bad jealousy runs wild in qc too bad!
  9. Saison 2016-2017 - Pee-Wee AAA - Meilleures équipes

    Hey Ripit, its not even worth replying to anyone having no clue about hockey, why are you wasting your time, it's just not worth it!!!!! Caio!!!!
  10. Brick Invitational Hockey Tournament 2016

    Les équipes de MTL ICE STORM ne réussiront jamais parce qu'il ya toujours des parents qui tentent de se impliquer et leurs enfants on pas d'affaires la, nous avons eu la chance de faire partir et l'expérience de la véritable signification du BRICK avec les Bulldogs Toronto ! un belle memorie pour mon gars
  11. WTF! from Lions hockey to loving myself in the mirror...didn't know this is a cosmopolitan blog!!!! LOL!!! Enjoy!
  12. Bonne Vacances d'ete a tout les,"LIONS HATERS", on ce voit beintot.... Tony
  13. Tout le monde dit ca a chaque annee, mais les Lions on un belle recette.....garde ca, ca peu changer votre idee....
  14. tu fait rire.....LOL!!!!....LIRE PLUS HAUT!!! TBK!!! Le jeune s'entaine avec les 2 entraineur ete et hiver.....tu comprends pas oui ou NON...c'est eu RAZ et Karel, le development dans notre coin...YES NO MAYBE....