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Tout ce qui a été posté par stallions2004

  1. Brick 2014

    For those that left early and didn't see the finals, the Maroon team won 5-4 in OT vs the Red team on a penalty shot.
  2. Camps de selection Stallions 2006 tryout camp

    All/Tous, First tryout camp for the 2006 Stallions will be held December 21st 20h10-21h40 at Complex Guimond ice#2. We are looking to form 2 teams where the one and only Marcin Snita will be heavily involved in the practices of both teams and potentially even coaching one of the teams. Please reserve your spot for the first tryout by emailing me at ********************************************* Première camps de sélection des 2006 Stallions sera au Complexe Guimond glace#2 le 21décembre de 20h10-21h40. Les Stallions vont faire 2 équipes 2006 et le fameux Marcin Snita sera très impliqué dans les pratiques des 2 équipes et va même potentiellement coaché une des équipes. Stp réservé votre place au premier camps de sélection par courriel Merci/Thank you. Bengi Vidicek Gérant/Manager Stallions 2006
  3. Camps de selection Stallions 2006 tryout camp

    JDlesS, you must have either; a- Been part of the problem of that 2nd team by committing to the team but then going to play with other teams instead of committing 100% to the team and being part of the solution. b- Were pissed off because your son was not as strong as you originally thought to make the other team. Yes there were problems with the 2nd team, however like every year kids progress at different rates and our Stallions organization looks at fixing the problems we had from one year to the next and this year is no different. I'm sorry your AAA experience wasn't as pleasent as you would have liked but it's very difficult to please everyone in AAA so my recommendation is to simply find another team that fits your son's level/needs/expectations. Unforetunately at the 2006 level last year there was no seperation of D1 & D2 so unforetunately there was a few teams that had an unpleasent experience. At the end of the day, progression comes down to commitment, hard work, and most importantly a positive attitude.
  4. Stallions 2007

    All/Tous, The Stallions 2007's are looking to put together the very best Elite 2007 team together for the 2014 AAA season. Anyone interest in joining the very best Elite AAA organization please email me at Please note that we already have 3 of the most elite 2007's that have played with our 2006 D1 Tournament winning team so we know how to develop Elite hockey players. ************************************************************************************************************************************** Les Stallions 2007 recherche les meilleurs joueurs nee 2007 pour former une equipe pour la saison de AAA 2014. Si vous ete interesser stp envoye moi un courriel au Stp prendre note qu'on a deja 3 des plus elite 2007 qui on joue avec nos 2006 D1 l'annee passe qui on gagne 2 tournois alors nous savons comment developpe des joueurs elite. Merci/Thank you, Bengi Vidicek Gerant/Manager Stallions 2007
  5. Vos prédictions

    Félicitation à Mirabel.... une équipe très vite, aggressive, et bien coaché. Ils ont joué toute un match. DJ Rob you don't need to be nice here, besides a few good chances we had in the first period Mirabel dominated this game. Bravo et bonne restant de saison and I hope we get the chance to play you guys again!!! Bengi PS- If ever anyone says the refs sucked I would disagree totally. They made the right call on the disallowed goal we scores as the puck never did cross the line!
  6. Camp de sélection Stallions 2004 Tryout camp

    No comment on the Brick team..... as of right now most of the top players in Quebec are not even going to the tryouts.... whether it be from the LEAAAQ or THAAAQ!
  7. Camp de sélection Stallions 2004 Tryout camp

    Gally11, I respect your opinion but let's wait and see where all the teams end up. I am still predicting that there will only be only 1 league in 2014. I can see the LEAAAQ 2.0 merging forces with the THAAAQ and everyone working together for once..... at least that is what I'm hoping Santa will bring me ; )
  8. Camp de sélection Stallions 2004 Tryout camp

    Maybe the price is high to deter some of the people that aren't really serious...... supply & demand as they say. My grandfather always told me that if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all!! Jealous people will always hate the Stallions and I guess Armada you are one of them.
  9. Camp de sélection Stallions 2004 Tryout camp

    All LEAAAQ rumors which I wouldn't believe too much of. Yes there are a few that have left, but it's not out of the normal AAA player movement. It's very difficult to please everyone all the time so some have to go see if the grass is indeed greener on the other side just like many are coming over from the LEAAAQ into the THAAAQ ; )
  10. Vos prédictions

    Absolument gros match samedi soir. Laval-Nord on eu un match tres difficile dimanche versus Joliette qui on tres bien joué dans une victoire de 4-3 en shootout pour Laval-Nord. Par conte le jour d'avant c'est Mirabel qui on gagné 13-2 contre Joliette alors si on regarde le pointage des 2 matchs on peut dire que c'est Mirabel qui son les favoris. Bonne chance au 2 équipes et j'espere que les parents vont voir un tres bon match!!!
  11. Vos prédictions

    We'll said Dmen. En effect Mike, il y a 6 première année Atome dans l'équipe BB à Laval Nord.
  12. Vos prédictions

    Laval-Nord on gagné 5-0 vs Blainville1 samedi. Blainville on frappé un cross bar et le gardien de LN a faite 2 arret de la mittaine incroyable alors je dirais le frais score du match étais bcp plus proche qu'il démontre. Dimanche, Laval-Nord on gagné 3-1 contre Mascouche. Mascouche ont eu pas plus que 5 lancé au but toute le match mais le score était seulement 1-1 apres la 2ieme période, un match tres serré. Je dirais a mon avis que l'arbitrage laissait bcp passé qui on vraiment aidé Mascouche car ils ont joué tres physique. Bravo a leur gardien qui a joué un excellent match pour gardé sont équipe dans le matche.
  13. Vos prédictions

    Wow..... j'étais surpris de voir le score du re-match seulement 6-4 apres avoir gagné 12-1 le jour d'avant. I guess it just goes to show how difficult it will be to win twice versus the same team. Coaching does make a big difference!!! Laval Nord won 6-1 & 4-0 versus St-Jérome this past weekend. Not sure what that means but I can say that St-Jérome only had 5 shots the entire game and none in the 3rd period. But the game was still very tight as the first goal of the game was only scored mid-way through the 2nd period. Heard that Pierrefonds tied 3-3 vs Versant-Ouest & that Monteuil lost to Boisbriand in the 2nd game of back to back games this past weekend. Both of these teams were extremely strong in Novice A two years ago! It's very interesting to see the evolution from just 2 years ago. It'll be interesting to see how the season plays out and which teams rise to the top of the standings. My prediction is that there will not be any dominant team this year and that winning games will be dependent on which team shows up on that given day. A lot more equality this year for sure.
  14. Classement

    Oui.... en totale 6 Stallions premiere année on fait le BB et d'apres mon avis il aurait pu facilement en avoir 8 en tout mais les dirigeants on décidé de donné les 2003 la priorité. Leurs point de vue est de donné plus de confiance au jeune 1ere année sur le borderline de joué dans le CC qui est aussi acceptable. Dans notre CC, il y a un totale de 5 autres Stallions 1ere année déja confirmé sur l'équipe. Alors je prévoie que l'édition 2014-2015 du BB a Laval-Nord va etre tres fort l'ans prochain.
  15. 1 ier octobre ??

    That's a very good question.......
  16. Classement

    L'équipe de Laval-Nord (Les Cobras) on finalisé l'équipe hier. The team is going with 8 forwards, 5 defensemen, & 2 goalies. There are officially 6 first years that made the team (1 goalie, 3 defencemen, & 2 forwards) so as I suspected the team will be very young. Félicitation a tous les jeunes qui on travaillé fort pour mérité leurs places sur l'équipe. Bonne saison a tous!!! Bengi
  17. 1 ier octobre ??

    I heard the rule is in place due to insurance reasons. I believe any accidents aren't convered before that date for Atome.....
  18. Les meilleurs ou pas ???

      One thing I can say is that most of the elite crop of 2004's are on the same page this year in that they will not participate unless the best kids are going as nobody wants to go to Edmonton to lose or worse, not even be competitive. That being said I hope Mr. Rusk wakes up and smells the sugar beans because nobody will commit to the process unless a head coach is named right from the start of the process. I thought that only naming a coach in March/April time frame last year was simply a perfect recipe for failure. Your head coach needs to be involved from the start of the process so that he knows what the kids are capable of and if at all possible they need to avoid parental coaches behind the benches. Just my opinion!
  19. Camp de sélection Flames 2006

    Flames27..... here's an opinion for you. Don't worry too much about what other say. If only 5 kids show up and you end up paying the difference out of your own pocket I'm sure there won't be anyone coming out to rescue you. Do what you gotta do to make your team. If it was that profitable everyone would be doing it.
  20. Classement

    Mon fils oui (un camp ordinaire par conte), le #4 oui (tres bon camp), mais le #7 (tres bon camp jusqu'a date) va se décidé a la toute fin j'imagine.
  21. Classement

    Suite à LN.... After this weekends activities, the coaches/directors have already confirmed 8 players to the team.... namely the 4 returning players from last year (all 4 being forwards), 1 goalie, and 3 first year players (all 3 being defensemen). The battle continues for the remaining spots...
  22. Qui seront les équipes D1 2006

    Exactly Mr know it all.... do you know all the teams that are going in the D1? Are all the LEAAAQ teams staying in the LEAAAQ2.0? Show me some of your so called "facts". I myself do not know which teams are playing where next year so if you know please enlighten everyone Dom.
  23. Classement

    At Laval-Nord the BB camp is coming along. From what I've been told we will be going with 5 D's & 8 Forwards which leaves us 2 cuts left on D and 2 cuts at the Forward position. I believe a few exhibition games will tell the story of who to keep. That being said, there are still 7 first years left at the camp and I believe there will be at least 5 of them that make it. Of those 5 that will surely make it, 3 of them finished 1, 2, & 3 in the time trials we did last weekend. In my opinion I think Laval-Nord will be very young (especially on defence where there could be as many as 4 first years) but will be much faster then last years squad as the 4 returning players from last years team were the fastest players on the last years squad.
  24. Qui seront les équipes D1 2006

    The subject doesn't say THAAAQ or LEAAAQ Mr. DM. Further, how am I bashing the LEAAAQ by stating that there are possible D1 caliber teams in the LEAAAQ? Further, I can post anything I like so stop obsessing about me ; )
  25. Qui seront les équipes D1 2006

    Speaking of obsessions, you must really have an obsession with me. Keep making yourself look stupid by responding to all my posts. Btw I know exactly who you are so keep hiding behind your alias DM!