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Tournoi d'Anjou

Messages recommandés

Qui son vos favori?


Voici les 8 club inscrit;


Division A

Cyclone Quebec

Intrepide Gatineau

Lions Nord LSL
Selects du Nord

Division B
Arsenal LSL
Conquerants Basse Laurentides
Lions Sud LSL

on sais tous qui sort favori, mais qui pourrais coser des surprise?

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Montreal won't lose a game all season!


Coming within 1 goal of them is an accomplishment.


Gatineau did it 3 times in there 4 meetings this year. they lost 2-1 every game

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Not really. Those where not the scores of the 4 games... furthermore scores do not always reflect games on the ice in terms of posession, shots, scoring chances, penalties etc.. predictions are useless. These are 12 year olds playing a sport.. they can win and lose against anyone. Predictions are just guesses...just play and see what happens

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