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Question concernant un règlement peu connu ??

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Si un joueur est en fusillade il ramasse la puck au centre avance 3 4 pied je vous rapelle qui na pas encore traverser la ligne bleu mais qu'il échape la puck en arrière de lui et revient la chercher pour retourner tirer vers le gardien de but...



Est-ce que l'arbitre se doit de sifler ou il doit le laisser continuer car à ma connaissance je pense que si il aurait échaper le puck après avoir traverser la ligne bleu il se doit de sifler mais dans le cas contraire comme ci dessus je crois que non...



Alors voilà pourquoi je vous pose la question je ne suis vraiement pas sur et j'aimerais avoir votre avis! :arrow: :o

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apres avoir touchee la rondelle tu ne peu pas la perde.



Tu doit toujours etre en motion vers l'avant.

si tu echape la rondelle, arrete tout de la rondelle te ratrappe tu peu continuer, si il arrete, c fini.

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sa ne vous aurez pas arrivé par hasard? lol

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L'an passé en fusillade en final


Notre joueur à 10 pieds du but a échappé la rondelle (a dépassé le puck de 2 pieds).

Il a freiné, repris la rondelle et il a lancé top net et a marqué pour le but de la victoire.

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tournoi de hockey à rimouski l'an passé. le premier tireur de l'autre équipe s'amène, à ma grande surprise se dirige vers le coin de la patinoire, pousse premierement la rondelle trop loin puis tombe, dans le coin de la patinoire! c'était assez drôle. Finalement, on a gagné grâce à notre 13ème tireur!

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L'annee derniere, lors d'un match contre st-eustache, un de nos joueurs est passer par dessus la rondelle pour ensuite tomber et a depasser la ligne bleue.. De ce que je sais, c'est seulement quand on depasse la ligne bleue que le lancer est refuser !!

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La fusillade doit appliquer la procédure du tir de pénalité (règlement 9.7.2 C paragraphe IV de Hockey Québec ) soit le règlement #25 du Officials Association




Rule 25 – Penalty Shot

25.1 Penalty Shot – A penalty shot is designed to restore a scoring

opportunity which was lost as a result of a foul being committed by the

offending team, based on the parameters set out in these rules.


25.2 Procedure -

The Referee shall ask to have announced over the public

address system the name of the player designated by him or selected

by the team entitled to take the shot (as appropriate). He shall then

place the puck on the center face-off spot and the player taking the

shot will, on the instruction of the Referee (by blowing his whistle),

play the puck from there and shall attempt to score on the goalkeeper.

The puck must be kept in motion towards the opponent’s goal line and

once it is shot, the play shall be considered complete. No goal can be

scored on a rebound of any kind (an exception being the puck off the

goal post or crossbar, then the goalkeeper and then directly into the

goal), and any time the puck crosses the goal line or comes to a

complete stop, the shot shall be considered complete.

The lacrosse-like move whereby the puck is picked up on the blade

of the stick and “whipped” into the net shall be permitted provided the

puck is not raised above the height of the shoulders at any time and

when released, is not carried higher than the crossbar. See also 80.1.

The spin-o-rama type move where the player completes a 360°

turn as he approaches the goal, shall be permitted as this involves

continuous motion.

Only a player designated as a goalkeeper or alternate goalkeeper

may defend against the penalty shot.

The goalkeeper must remain in his crease until the player taking

the penalty shot has touched the puck.

If at the time a penalty shot is awarded, the goalkeeper of the

penalized team has been removed from the ice to substitute another

player, the goalkeeper shall be permitted to return to the ice before

the penalty shot is taken.

The team against whom the penalty shot has been assessed may

replace their goalkeeper to defend against the penalty shot, however,

the substitute goalkeeper is required to remain in the game until the

next stoppage of play.

While the penalty shot is being taken, players of both sides shall

withdraw to the sides of the rink and in front of their own player’s


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