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why a english section

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why there is a english section when everbody can understand a little bit of english!!! I'm french and I can understand!!!

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Hi hockeyplayeur.

There seems to be a minority, ( small but vocal), group who do not wish to have anyone post other then the primary langauge. To minimize the conflict , it is easier to post here.

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I understand but the english section in smaller than the french section!!!And the peaple here cann't talk about all the subject in french section!!

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The english section is really just another name for the '' section of segregation , Please all anglophones to the back of the bus ,, Merci :D


Segregation , the legal or social practice of separating people on the basis of their race or ethnicity. Segregation by law, or de jure segregation, occurred when local, state, or national laws required racial separation, or where the laws explicitly allowed segregation. De jure segregation has been prohibited in the United States since the mid-1960s. De facto segregation, or segregation in fact, occurs when social practice, political acts, economic circumstances, or public policy result in the separation of people by race or ethnicity even though no laws require or authorize racial separation. De facto segregation has continued even when state and federal civil rights laws have explicitly prohibited racial segregation.

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Well...Well....Welcome Mr Gumper to classement POC English section.


I really like your journal entry .

The reason for this english secetion ,Is due to a few people who know me and were tired of me writing in english and half french ....Because I pulled no punches and when I saw them face to face I would confront them on there foolish talk and opinions (in a very sociable way)...So Mr Ours Volant was ever so kind to give anglaphones there own section wich suits me fine. :D


The summer is slow I am sure this section will take off in the fall ........when the season come back and look from time to time....... :D


I see they are still fighting about the language issue on the forum...SONDAGE SUR LA LANGUE D'USAGE DES FORUMS POC


[ Aller à la page: 1 ... 5, 6, 7 ] ....I love it....ces't trop drole ...Il font a great summer vive la franglais de Canada..... :D

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:D sad! sad! when peoples refuse because theirs ignorence french english where it`s the problem welcome to the french section and forget the poor peoples!!1

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It is sad to see that with all our so called knowledge , that we have still not learned from history, wether it is french towards english or english towards french , black to white or white to black , christian to muslim or muslim to christian , the world is constantly changing , we do not live the same way we did 200 years ago, we do not even speak our own languages as we did then . we need to evolve , Do we all really believe that in 100 or more years from now we will still all be speaking our languages as we do today , in Canada we have Franglais , even versions of Italiafranglais or Franspanglais


There are more spanish speaking people in the U.S.A 34 million than there are people in Canada , and this population keeps on growing , in many parts of the Southern U.S they speak a form of Spaninglish. As spanish and English languages mix ,

Come to a BBQ with my family and you will hear the grandparents speaking really rotten forms of broken english or french as both sides of that generation are unilingual respectively , But they do their best to communicate , The next generation are all mixed 3 boys and 2 girls they all are english married to french partners ,all their kids (11) are bilingual from the day they are born , They communicate switching in and out of french and english as if it was nothing , the 3 oldest also can speak Spanish fairly well .

It is both comical and fascinating to watch and hear .

One of my son's once asked me ... Am I english or french? Apparently his teacher needed to know ... I then asked him what do you think ......... Dad I'm both .. I replied .... So then you are Bilingual.I think this is a new reallity for many childern Hopefully one day you will be trilingual ,I added


I think it is time we all chilled out , I think we can all get along and share in each others experiences , When I am on the french site I always write in french even though I'm terrible , but I hope the effort is respected ,the same way I would if a francaphone does his best to write in english if he so chooses ................We should all be able to live with the freedom of choice , but out of respect I make every effort to communicate in french on this site , But I should not be punnished if Ineed to put in an occasionnal comment in english just to complete a thought when I have some difficulty finding the words in french ,

It is much easier to speak it , than to write french ,, well the errors do not seem as bad :lol: .

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Well Gumper and Carey Price ,I agree with Both of you ,I am originally from New Bruinswick I came here in the 70's I never heard Maudite Anglais or French frog till I came here and I never subscribed to those points of views .Where I was from the language was never a factor when we scraped our knee it was all red blood when someone passed away we all cried tears....So I always said if a bunch of crazy drinking fishermen can get along, surely the very Metropolitian city slickers of the Province of Quebec can do it. It is really a shame over a language.....But as you Gumper I too have a son who is fluently bilingual and when he asked me what he was french or english i told him he was a Canadien....LOL....a little franglais....As you I too use to write french to the best of my abilities but once mocked I never put the effort back into it on this site.So this why they gave me an english section ,But I do from time to time go to the fourm and write in other sections in with my franglais .I do not find it disrespectful If I cannot find the proper word to write in my mispelled french I find it ignorant for anyone to complain about it....I am a Canadian and it includes Quebec and all her heritage and a great one it is, but for a few ignorant people never will I sway ,but for one polite person I would bend over backwards.....

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