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Les equipes de hockey lac st-louis

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jonas Sujet du message: Re: meilleurs joueursPublié: Ven Avr 03, 2009 6:02 pm



Joueur de 1er trio



Inscrit le: Mar Jan 13, 2009 7:37 pm

Messages: 159 pour les aigles 3lacs le meme club que marois


Jonas how can you forget the player you talked about last year in PeeWee AA.

It is hard for me to believe you had forgoten his number over the summer.

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je ne suis pas de la region donc tous les joueurs mentionnes je ne les connais pas. j'ai vus le 32 a que. au tournois.

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Jonas as you can see above it is one of your old posts from last year. You can clearly see that not only do you know the kids number but also his name. I find it hard to beleive you are not from the region. I trully thought from last years posts you were even on the 3lac staff. Have a good year.

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Inscrit le: Ven Sep 04, 2009 10:59 pm

Messages: 5 Sorry that this is in English


But I also heard from my friends in the region that Jonas is the mother of Nick Marois. She has repeatedly talked about him in all her posts and I also find it truely hard to believe that you don't remember his name.


Anyways can we please stay on topic and discuss the actual topic. I want to know more about the first years in lac st-louis


Thank you

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Who cares about former postings...the question was who do we think will do well and which first year players will have a good year....right?


Lions- this division will be very tight...DDO will probably lead with the other three interchanging positions until the playoffs.

Patriotes- will be a tough division with Beauval and Suroit fighting for first and Trois Lac and Verdun will battle for 3 and 4th


First year players that should do well....player size and game speed will determine who will be able to contribute....some are physically ready...some are ready with their hockey ability. It's when both are combined will we see a good first year player.



How do the other leagues compare this year?

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excuse me and thank you LETTHEMPLAY but i must answer to that person tres vite je dois t'avouer que je fut tres surpris de voir que toi et certaines personnes de ton acabit pensaient que j'etais la mere de ce jeune homme. Malheureusement pour toi je dois t'avouer que je suis un lui non un elle. Si vous me verriez vous constateriez sans doute que je dois etre moins jolie que la jeune femme que vous mentionnee. Vu l'age de son fils et vu mon age je crois que je pourrais etre son pere et le grand pere de son fils. Avant d'ecrire des choses semblables reflechissez. :lol:

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Jonas je dois dire que tu es un personne tres drole. Tu favorise juste un jouer de tous les jouers dans la ligue. Alors, si tu veux dire que numero 32 est bon, il est juste correct et pas special

Merci Jonas, les parents comme toi et la seul raison qu'on ne savait pas qui vraiment et les bons jouers dans la ligue.

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si tu connais d'autre bons jeunes ne te gene pas et mentionne les.Personne ne vas t'en empecher. salut je sais que je suis drole et j'en suis fier.

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