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Stallions 2003 Champions at Diable Rouge

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This team as impressed me as a coach, we don't have any super "vedettes" they do what they need to do on that ice, and they excute it to almost perfection, we have 2 very good goalies and a Stellar defence, as for the forwards they will battle for the puck, but our strongest point is," HEART",these kids had a mission and that was to win Diable Rouge...AND THEY DID.


Sometimes having to many superstars on a team can lead to headaches LOL!


ADF VIPERS should of never lost to that Dragon team, I'm happy for 3 coaches and the kids on the Jr Dragon team, they deserve it.


Here is the web-site to the Stallions 2003: ... 1043384053


Lucic :D

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Go Stallions Go!!!!!


Tout un équipe Lucic!!!! J'aime les collants ''logo Stallions'' sur les casques des joueurs aussi!!!!


En passant...le vrai Lucic a fait un move vraimant salaud hier soir!!!!

Pauvre Spacek


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felicitation stallions tres belle equipe !!!!



au plaisir de se revoir bientot au super defi AAA


p.s oublier pas les diable rouge rive-sud belle equipe aussi


lucic ecrit en fr hihihihi


félicitation encore :P

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This team as impressed me as a coach, we don't have any super "vedettes" they do what they need to do on that ice, and they excute it to almost perfection, we have 2 very good goalies and a Stellar defence, as for the forwards they will battle for the puck, but our strongest point is," HEART",these kids had a mission and that was to win Diable Rouge...AND THEY DID.


Sometimes having to many superstars on a team can lead to headaches LOL!


ADF VIPERS should of never lost to that Dragon team, I'm happy for 3 coaches and the kids on the Jr Dragon team, they deserve it.


Here is the web-site to the Stallions 2003: ... 1043384053


Lucic :D

hi lucic,,,i hope not milan lol lol the dragons just beat the vipers 3 games out of 4 (2 tournaments) i think that shows the dragons are now the team to beat ,,i think 7 very good players is better than 2 superstars and oh ya the dragons also have a great goalie....what do you think ?

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felicitation stallions super de bonne équipe BRAVO LES ENTÉNEURS pas dur de dire que vous etre la premiere au quebec et ++++ 3 sur 3

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