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Team Quebec 2004

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Bonjour Lucic!!!!


Je vois que mon ami Super C fait partie de votre formation!!!!! :mrgreen:


I like this kid!!!! :mrgreen:

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Bonjour Lucic!!!!


Je vois que mon ami Super C fait partie de votre formation!!!!! :mrgreen:


I like this kid!!!! :mrgreen:

Little J.V #22 AMAZING KID always with a smile on his face...

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Je savais qu`il y avait un team Quebec au King of the ring maintenant que je sais qu`il va en avoir un 2004 je vais me faire une devoir d`aller les voir bonne chance!

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one comment about team quebec who picks the kids and this has nothing to do with hockey quebec only because i see that most of the team is from the stallions and all of the kids parents are the coaches so no other kids can make that team

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C`est possible mais c`est a vous de faire un team Quebec eux l`ont fait il vont jouer a Boston et Toronto et ils veinnent du Quebec alors pourquopi pas c`est de cette facon ausssi que tu te prepare a monté une équipe super AAA futur puis l`équipe Brick

Bravo a lucic et a tout les autres!

pour les autre je suis sur que si votre garcon est vraiment meilleur l`ans prochain contacter Lucic pour un tryout ou pour que team Quebec voit a l`euvre votre garcon et si il est vraiment meilleurs je vois pas pourquoi il en fera pas partie quand tu fais ce genre de tournoi a l`m exterieur tu essais d`amenner les meilleurs possible disponible!

Quele belle experience bravo et laché pas je vais aller voir une ou 2 de vos games

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one comment about team quebec who picks the kids and this has nothing to do with hockey quebec only because i see that most of the team is from the stallions and all of the kids parents are the coaches so no other kids can make that team

Hi bigdog367,


These players were actually chosen throughtout the tournaments, and yes we did send an invatition on this classement poc blog for tryouts....there were about 10 kids at the tryouts and yes we cut 4 out of 10.


#9 Plays with Stallions 03-04 plays with Team Quebec 03-and now 04s surclassed NV A last year.

#71 Plays with Stallions 04 and Casades 03 and Team Quebec 04 surclassed NV A last year.

#22 Plays Stallions 04 and practices with 03 Stallions surclassed to NV B last year.

#6 and #8 they play Stallions 04 and practice with the 03s Stallions #6 played most of his year in NV B


All the other kids on this team have the best potential to be in Team Quebec caliber from my experience...


If you think your son is amongest these elite players please PM me.


Remember as years goes by kids catch up!!!


Lucic (Tony)

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