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Instructeur pee-wee ontario suspendu

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A youth hockey coach in Ontario has finally finished serving a three-month ban connected with something that most elementary school students know to stay away from: He took a "Yo Mama" joke way too far.


Timmins Minor Hockey Pee Wee Team —


As first reported by the Timmins Times -- and first spotted by eagle-eyed Puck Daddy blogger Sean Leahy -- an unnamed coach in the Timmons Minor Hockey program recently finished serving a three-month suspension after making a crude sexual joke in his team's locker room at the expense of one of his own players.


The Times reports that the entire incident started when the coach of one of the program's 12-and-under pee wee teams entered his team's locker room just before a game to see if the team was ready to hit the ice. When he heard the players laughing, he apparently decided to get in on the fun himself, albeit with very inappropriate stand-up material for a bunch of 12-year-olds (or likely anyone else, for that matter).


Here's how the Times described the jokes that followed:



The senior coach spoke to one of the boys and suggested his mother was wearing too many different shades of lipstick. The coach joked that his #POC# was beginning to look like a rainbow. As several of the young players laughed at that remark, the coach asked the boy if he ever went into his mother's room. The coach said he forgot his underwear in the mother's room and needed someone to go get it. The laughter continued, the report said.


Evidently making jokes about oral sex involving the mother of a 12-year-old player in front of his teammates doesn't engender a lot of confidence in one's ability to responsibly lead and guide young men. Who knew?


Still, while the unnamed coach has reportedly apologized to the team, the player involved and his mother, some in the small Ontario community argue that his punishment did not go nearly far enough.




"We very rarely hear about this type of thing. Does it go on? In my opinion, sure it does. The mentality in minor hockey now is 'Well we don't want to report it because we don't want our kid thrown off the team,'" Bryce Kulik, the president of the Northern Ontario Hockey Association, told the Times.


"It is unacceptable in our present society to have a 12-year-old, and it doesn't matter what the age was, and listening to his mother being run down like that."


Wrong though it may have been, the coach has concluded his suspension and is back on the bench, albeit with what one can only imagine is a certain amount of shame and a three-year coaching probation to ensure he doesn't step across any inappropriate lines again

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Non non non voyon donc Rookie ça ce peut pas que ça soit arriver dans la belle Ontario à Carey. Ces juste ici que ça doit et ça ce produit ce genre de chose la. :mrgreen:

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Coach AAA GTHL minor pee wee Toronto Jr Canadiens un nomé T.t. a été suspendu pour un ans pour X raison mais le fond de verité est des parents bien nantis n'ont pas accepté que leurs fils soit coupé ! ce meme jeune jouait avec nous la saison passé et ouf les parents disont était tres lourd a disons supporter

finalement le jeune cette année coupé AAA ca donné suspension du coach pour des raisons qui ont rien a voir avec sa facon de coacher mais plutot éthique et reglement que les parents ont mis l`argent avocat etc.. pas content de la premiere instence (suspention de 10 match) ils ont fait appel a tres grand frais pour finalement avoir raison de ce coach pour un ans le jeune par la suite a été coupés a 2 reprise AA pour 2 fois bagare avec ses coéquipier dans les 2 équipes et joue presentement AA pour une 4 ieme équipe cette année :oops: :roll:

Du bien bon monde comme ont dit! une chose est rassurante pu personne touchera meme avec une perche de 100 pied a cette famille, belle facon de sortir du AAA surtout quand tu est pas de calibre AAA

De la merde il en a partout et quand les gens sont pret a mettre 30,000 a 50,000 pour avoir la tete du coach bien ca donne cela!

l'ans passé il nous avait quitté en serie comment aucun joueurs parent et coaches ne s'en est plaint c'était plutot une bénédiction pour tous!

des cancers ils y en a partout malheureusement

meme presentement un autre coach est a ses dernier milles fini les folies

La seule bonne nouvelle est que la crasse s`élimine d'elle meme année apres années contrairement a ailleur ou elle s`incruste si profondement qu'elle est pratiquement impossible a la déloger

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