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Stallions/Titans vs Nordiques in Finals in Quebec

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Stallions/Titans want to congratulate the Nordiques you guys have a very good team the best competition so far for the Stallions, from what I was told!


Best of luck in the FUTURE!!



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hey tony still all about the stallions being the best you just can't say they were better then you guys you have to say they were the best competition for you maybe you were the best for them have you ever thought of that and i guess the canadiens jr bleu were no competition the only scored 49 goals they must be good to like i said its all about your teams

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hey tony still all about the stallions being the best you just can't say they were better then you guys you have to say they were the best competition for you maybe you were the best for them have you ever thought of that and i guess the canadiens jr bleu were no competition the only scored 49 goals they must be good to like i said its all about your teams



BTW! I know who you are, you should never hold a grudge, if your son never made my team don't blame me!!!!!


BTW a little bird told me who you were!


Enjoy your summer!

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The Stallions/Titan Gold 2004 want to congratulate the Champions DR Nordiques Jr for a great finals. Despite our loss in the finals, we are extremely pleased with the effort of our kids. They played extremely hard under some very difficult circumstances and they stepped it up and almost pulled off the big win.


On to St-Hubert where there should be even better competition to look forward too. Bonne chance à tous!!!

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Bigdog merci pour tes encouragements et oui nous avons eu un beau tournoi mais avons baisse pavillon contre les Stallions 3-2 en demi-finale !!! Nous pensions pouvoir conserver notre avance mais les Stallions ont trouve l'energie pour revenir et même l'emporter a 37 secondes de la fin !!!!


Cependant en lisant ton texte j'ai commence a me demander qui tu etais car y a pas grand monde qui sait que nous avons marque 49 buts au tournoi car ces chiffres ne sont pas enligne.... Peut etre voudras tu nous eclairer...

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