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Wow !!! Des équipes surprises à St-Hubert !

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i see the mighty stallions lost poor tony must have to go back to the drawing board

Are you stilling holding that grudge, poor you, but I'm happy to see I have a groupie!LOL!


You'll be my number 1 groupie, don't forget to follow my 2003 SUPER, 2003 REG and 2004 Black TOO!


They need your support for sure ! :wink:


With Love

Tony :P

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i am glad you think you know me but as for your number one fan i an not that for sure as for the other teams you will make as many teams so your son can play on i hope he is going to play atom bb next year that's right the won't let him move up

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i am glad you think you know me but as for your number one fan i an not that for sure as for the other teams you will make as many teams so your son can play on i hope he is going to play atom bb next year that's right the won't let him move up

Not only that you are my number 1 Groupie :wink: you are also a Jealous person WOW! and being jealous of an 8 yr kid, just brings out the kind of person you are...My son is enjoying playing Hockey and training, that's what counts, if he stays in Novice fine and if moves up that's fine too!


But! I'm really happy I don't have to deal with clowns like you in my Association , evaulating any kids in the program, Make LASALLE deal with dum wits like you!


You should keep on taping sticks instead of writing on this Blog!LOL! or better yet, maybe you should let your wife do the talking, at least she as more balls!

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Bonjour à tous,

Les résultats au tournoi de St-Hubert me laissent pantois. Pour ceux qui étaient présents est-ce que:


1- Les grosses équipes s'essoufflent..


2- Certaines équipes progressent mieux que prévu et qu'anyway, le hockey se joue sur la glace...


3- Il y avait plusieurs absents du côté des grosses équipes


4- ou......


Pour le bien du hockey, espérons que 2 est la bonne réponse...



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Quel équipes te surprenne deja.


Il y a plusieur bonne équipe dans le 2004. Canadien bleue très fort, canadien rouge bonne équipe.


Félicitation au Stallions qui ont remporté le tournois :P


Équipe a surveiller Junior lions, les kings et les sherifs

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