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Yap he's got a hockey tounement at Brossard les 4 Glaces and he's with the Grizzly de Montréal AAA association and he coach the Bantam AA maroons, he use to have power skating session at G.Mantha on week ends, but i don't know if he still does it and a hockey school at Maurice Richard arena.


I know him from way back when he use to play for pointe st-charles, he went up the hockey step as a coach and he's doing a good job, i like the way he works, but this is a personnal opinion.

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I dont feel like debating all day. What a good way to start a subject and then when you see you dont have a good hand yo want out. Mr Gary when you dont know all the facts in a subject you dont talk about them.


Second when you say that all i say his that the coach and part owner of the aaa team is also the coach of the bantam aa how do you think people see that? They see it as if i want my child to have a chance to be on the bantam aa team is must play for him. I heard enough parents saying the same thing on how you approched them in all the same way.


And dont worry i will tell you that face to face the next time i see you in a arena. And i hope its this summer so i wont have to wait until next season.

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I think your wright, this coach should'nt be coaching in both ways, cause the aaa teams are just for summer, but he's loking at the players that he will choose for the coming season so in french we call that "un conflit d'intérêt".


And what happen to a player that's let say's on the third line with the aa team and he does'nt want to play aaa during the summer , what are is chance of making the aa team next year. If it occurs than it's not fare.


Those thing should'nt happen.

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for one thing the coach you are naming coaches peewee the summer and your source you are talking to is a person who likes to start trouble....but you keep him as a friend and see how far it gets for seeing me in the summer what aaa team are you connected with???....


as for conflict of intrest ,Mr Lincourt doesn't pick you because you come to his school or his aaa....he picks the players he feels can progress the you belive it or not is your perogative I have known him for 7 years and his program works for alot of players that I have had the chance to meet but thats my opinion....


like anything in life have someone to ask 20 people what they think of you and you'll soon find out 10 will love you and ten will hate you ,so the same is for all of montreal know all hockey with that rookie I hope it satisfies your curiosity....I will be at the NRJ tournement and the TBT in three rivers.....I am in BEAUCE right now so if you ever want to have a coffee and conversation I would love to ...... :D

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Invité jgb

I really think that HQ should oblige every association to ask for resume about any peoples engaged in it and they should oblige every association to give a complete resume of the coach to each parents .. nothing will be hide, everything will be clear and maurvala if we go futher of your thinking and knowing that he is engaged also in the Midget AAA is this can be strech to the midget AAA also ?


If this guy is white as snow and just happen to love hockey and be involve as much as he can then I really think he should clean up the peoples surrounding him right now because of them people are starting to question his acts and by rebound the person also. :roll: .

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I repeat, I am sorry .


Garry I don't think your number are good, on 20 people 1 or 2 will love you, 15 to 16 don't care, that leave 1 or 3 that will hate you , but they will hate that mutch that you feel they are 10

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Dear Gary the problem is not with the coach its with the person who does the approach to the players and the parents of the players. The person is you. Not d.l. the coach and i have at least 5 persons who told me the same story for this year and last year. And on the 5 persons i only know 2 of them. So again its not about the coach d.l. its againts you who made the approach.

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So your saying you have a problem...with me ...and you don't know nothing except what people tell truly are a :D :D ...have a great pun intended........have a great summer

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I can see that you cant even understand the english. I did not wrote that i have a problem with you i wrote that the problem from what i was told was you. You are the person who made the approach. Personnaly i dont know you and i dont have a problem with you. But i have a question were you yes or no the person who made the approach on certains or all players to go play aaa.

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