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Maroons de Montréal

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Sob maleureusement j'ai rien a dire sur ce sujet, je me suis deja exprimer sur ca, je connais pas ca le Hockey.

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Invité sob

qui t'as dit que tu ne connaissait pas ça ??....tu as droit à ton opinion comme tout le monde...juste au cas refere ce lien à ceux qui t'on critiqué... pour y chercher l'erreur :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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You Know hockey is a very touchy subject ,But I can tell you one thing in all my years of hockey the destruction of a top team is due 90% of the time to parents who don't know the game ....EX;(CHILD) I haven't scored in 10 games ...(parent) don't worry dont pass go to the net your the best....(COACH)...common guys got to move that puck to win games and create scoring chances....(CHILD) F**K you coach my dad said not to pass anymore LHMM puts my stats and I want to please my dad my mom and all my fans OR my dad hates my linemates I have to hate him too...I am not gonna pass no more....SAD SAD......shame on you parents and you know who you are and you all know me ........I hate dirty laundry so I like to air it out......

Pretty sad to see such a wonderful group of kids struggle because of mom and dad............BUT LIKE I ALWAYS SAY DON"T GIVE UP BOYS HALF WAY THERE >>>>GO MAROONS GO SEE YOU ALL IN ROUYN.... :D :D :D :D

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Je ne connais pas tous les détails mais je peux dire à la lecture du dernier post de monsieur gary, que ce monsieur fait partie du problème. Pas très édifiant de voir un parent attaquer d'autre parents sur internet. Monsieur Gary si vous avez des choses à clarifier faite le donc en famille et non en public.

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Hey Rookie Coach I agree fully ...ask the parents I am not shy what I say on here is general not any fingers pointed those involved know who they are . and I say how it is in person on line any where I never hide . What I say I have heard first hand .So please Rookie Coach Before you accuse make sure you have all the facts......nothing personal ......But like we say in english if the shoe fits wear it so any parent that feels it is against them they must have a guilty concience...NO...have a great day

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