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novice a pierrefond barons

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i went to watch the novice a regionaux champion games to see the so call great pierrefond barons well i was not to impressed with them they had three kids who were good 16 18 19 but someone should teach them that hockey is a team sport and you should pass the puck if that's what the show kids what to do in novice then the coaches of that team should stop coaching .what fun is it for the other kids on the team if they don't touch the puck. on one play a kids was going to get the puck and let the super stars take it end to end . i watched at one point the two defense men pass back and fourth until there was a opening to skate. they did not even think about passing it to they other kids on they ice . that,s why kids in quebec do not go any were .and for the three kids who played defense not one is a natural defense that i seen .lets see when the play double letters if they can go end to end with out the big windup .

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i went to watch the novice a regionaux champion games to see the so call great pierrefond barons well i was not to impressed with them they had three kids who were good 16 18 19 but someone should teach them that hockey is a team sport and you should pass the puck if that's what the show kids what to do in novice then the coaches of that team should stop coaching .what fun is it for the other kids on the team if they don't touch the puck. on one play a kids was going to get the puck and let the super stars take it end to end . i watched at one point the two defense men pass back and fourth until there was a opening to skate. they did not even think about passing it to they other kids on they ice . that,s why kids in quebec do not go any were .and for the three kids who played defense not one is a natural defense that i seen .lets see when the play double letters if they can go end to end with out the big windup .

Hello BigIdiot,


I think you have no clue how Novice A is or must be played... people like you are the biggest losers in QUEBEC to be talking about 7-8-9 YRS kids ....


BTW! those 2 kids that were passing back and forth, have u ever seen such display of control instead of taking the puck and dumping it away....that my friend is called control and of possession of the puck!


Unreal please if you have nothing to say don't say it at all!



Tony one of the coaches of The Pierrefond Barons!

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A priori, je ne suis pas vraiment concerné par ce sujet. Par contre, je trouve tout de même troublant de lire les commentaires des messsages précédants.


Commençons par un jeune 6-7 ans est dans un stade pré-opératoire qui se caractérise par une pensée égocentrique. Certains ne quittent pas ce stade rapidement... Donc qu'un jeune ne passe pas la rondelle et décide toujours de la transporter end to end... C'est tout à fait normal et même monnaie courante encore dans le Novice C-B-A. Ne pas savoir cette réalité ne relève pas de connaissances d'hockey comme on semble l'indiquer mais plutôt se qui caractérise l'évolution d'un enfant. Grave erreur...


Est-ce que l'entraîneur a un rôle à jouer? Il peut certainement modifier le comportement en faisant prendre conscience aux joueurs qu'il existe des alternatives comme par exemple passer la rondelle. Et c'est ainsi que la pensée évolue alors vers la décentration cognitive. Un joueur qui n'a pas été en mesure d'effectuer cette transition est un reflet direct du coaching.


On a side note.... Ya rien de plus qui me fait "capoter" dans les estrades quand j'entends "passe"... "passe"... Passe à qui? Pourquoi? Est-ce vraiment la bonne décision à prendre à ce moment précis? Le réflexe de Pavlov ça vous dit qqchose.


Anyways je dévie...


Alors je terminer avec le rôle du coach est de développer une prise de décision avec des outils qui fait en sorte qu'il réussisse à prendre la bonne décision à tous moments. Comme par exemple un Novice A qui voit un joueur en avant en meilleur position. Si le coach n'a jamais montré cette situation à son joueur...alors ce même joueur ne pourra passer la rondelle. Car il n'a pas cet outil dans son coffre et ne sait pas pourquoi il devrait donner la rondelle. Ça c'est du coaching!!


Je vous laisse conclure.. Je voulais simplement apporter des nuances aux deux propos.

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i went to watch the novice a regionaux champion games to see the so call great pierrefond barons well i was not to impressed with them they had three kids who were good 16 18 19 but someone should teach them that hockey is a team sport and you should pass the puck if that's what the show kids what to do in novice then the coaches of that team should stop coaching .what fun is it for the other kids on the team if they don't touch the puck. on one play a kids was going to get the puck and let the super stars take it end to end . i watched at one point the two defense men pass back and fourth until there was a opening to skate. they did not even think about passing it to they other kids on they ice . that,s why kids in quebec do not go any were .and for the three kids who played defense not one is a natural defense that i seen .lets see when the play double letters if they can go end to end with out the big windup .

I am sorry Bigdog367. Normally I post on this board to lighten the mood and make a few jokes here and there, but your comments are marred with the tone of jealousy, misplaced anger, misplaced self righteousness and simple disrespect. You have no idea who these kids are and what they are capable of. You make these comments without seeing the progress of this team from their first to their last. You try and critique this team, their coaches, and 8 yr old kids hiding behind the vale of fallacious arguments!!! Apart from being negative and mean, you go on to taunt 8 yr old kids and assume they are going to attempt to go end to end in atom double letters? I can tell you that these player you so openly criticize already do play a very collective game on their summer team and WILL play a collective game when they play atom BB next season.


You also go on to blame individual play as the reason to "why kids in quebec do not go any were". You cannot be further from the truth. I would argue that the reason for that is due to the lack of testicular fortitude on behalf of the associations and Hockey Quebec. The associations and Hockey Quebec refuse to identify talent and then develop that talent accordingly. These kids should never have been left in novice. Thats the simple truth. You should rethink your post and erase it.

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hello tony yes you are right so you only pass the puck when you have no choice to is that your coaching i guess hockey quebec taught you that because i don't think you ever played hockey before maybe hog the puck you should ask the other players if the enjoyed watching along with there parents if they can speak the truth and not hurt your ego they would think t is a disgusting that you guys do not teach the 3 stars to pass except to each other and as for the puck control like i said i watched them pass back and fourth and never look to pass to anyone else i guess one off the stars is yours dumbass

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JCAC, Coach_77


Je suis d'accord avec vos propos... J'ai vu plus de 100 matchs de novice A depuis 2 ans et effectivement ce n'en pas le niveau où il y a le plus de passes - les groupes de jeunes, pour pour l'ensemble des équipes de ce niveau, sont extrêmement hétérogènes ce qui est une entrave au jeu collectif...


GrosChien367, je ne suis pas certain d'avoir tout compris - mais je suis certain que vous ne comprenez rien. Je suis déçu que votre fils, petit fils ou neveu n'ait pas pu gagner le championnat régional dont il rêvait (ou dont vous rêviez) mais je ne crois pas que de discréditer des jeunes et des bénévoles de l'équipe adverse soit très constructif et que ça vous approche de quelque façon que ce soit de votre objectif.


Pour ce qui est des Barons, j'ai vu 45 de leurs matchs cette année et tout n'a pas été parfait. Par contre, peu d'équipes peuvent se vanter d'avoir vu l'ensemble de leurs joueurs marquer des buts... et en passant, enlevez les 3 joueurs mentionnés, le reste de l'équipe a marqué 109 buts... Trouvez-moi une autre équipe qui a eu une telle contribution du 4e marqueur en descendant - c'est d'ailleurs la contribution de l'ensemble de l'équipe en repli défensif et au rebonds qui expliquent selon moi le succès des Barons cette saison.


Pour ce qui est du match auquel vous faites référence - Une victoire sans équivoque des Barons de 6 à 0 contre les représentants de LakeShore en finale des régionaux - Pierrefonds a très bien joué et c'était bel et bien une victoire d'équipe - tous les patineurs sans exception ont pris des lancers au but, le gardien de LakeShore a d'ailleurs très bien fait pour minimiser les dégâts. Il y a eu 5 marqueurs différents...


Joyeuses Pâques




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hello tony yes you are right so you only pass the puck when you have no choice to is that your coaching i guess hockey quebec taught you that because i don't think you ever played hockey before maybe hog the puck you should ask the other players if the enjoyed watching along with there parents if they can speak the truth and not hurt your ego they would think t is a disgusting that you guys do not teach the 3 stars to pass except to each other and as for the puck control like i said i watched them pass back and fourth and never look to pass to anyone else i guess one off the stars is yours dumbass

You must be a loser parent, it shows in your writing.....and for someone like you to say that about a 8 yr old, you be must one of those kids who never won anything growing up, just like your kid will!


Maybe teach u r son to a ride a bike or bake cookies!!


This team doesn't need to justify to an idiot and a loser parent like YOU...u r a coward!




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You must be a loser parent, it shows in your writing.....and for someone like you to say that about a 8 yr old, you be must one of those kids who never won anything growing up, just like your kid will!


Maybe teach u r son to a ride a bike or bake cookies!!


This team doesn't need to justify to an idiot and a loser parent like YOU...u r a coward!



I love cookies. They are the reason for the demise of my modeling career. Well, that and poutine. This seems like a good boxing match in the making. Just remember..... My peeenis is bigger than the both of yours! :mrgreen:

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hey tony is that the best you can do its people like you that make kids quit hockey because they don't have fun if they don't feel like part of the team you have not once denied that they do not pass the puck you get mad when someone does not tell you how good your son is i never said they were bad they are good but if you the loser showed them the real way hockey is played they would be unstopable and don't tell me how good your record is and how you are and i mean you as a coach stop living your dream through your son and for what i have done is a lot more then you will ever do carrying sticks and water bottles and a board is what you are good at now that's not attacking any kids

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