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Quels sont les équipes a surveiller au tournoi de quebec

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Canadiens Jr Bleu is the team to beat. Is that what you want to hear Djrob?



I like how you ask a question week after week that you probably already know the answer to. Let the kids do the talking on the ice with their play. They don't need their parents coming on a blog and talking or writing stuff about which teams are good or not good. Remember that the parents let their kids play AAA hockey for the experience and development.

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Canadiens Jr Bleu is the team to beat. Is that what you want to hear Djrob?



I like how you ask a question week after week that you probably already know the answer to. Let the kids do the talking on the ice with their play. They don't need their parents coming on a blog and talking or writing stuff about which teams are good or not good. Remember that the parents let their kids play AAA hockey for the experience and development.


How true it is embarrasing.

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Pas dutout m stallions 2004 beaucoup dequipes me sont inconue. J aime bien discuter ''''bonne chance a vous aussi ......

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Canadiens Jr Bleu is the team to beat. Is that what you want to hear Djrob?



I like how you ask a question week after week that you probably already know the answer to. Let the kids do the talking on the ice with their play. They don't need their parents coming on a blog and talking or writing stuff about which teams are good or not good. Remember that the parents let their kids play AAA hockey for the experience and development.

Sad but true...

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Je ne comprendrai jamais pourquoi tant de gens ne font que diminuer les blogs des gens.... si vous n'aimez pas le sujet alors passez au lieu de dénigrer à la première occasion !


Il y a tant de blog choisissez donc des sujets dans lesquels vous trouverez quelque chose de positif à dire ou à ajouter car d'un oeil extérieur ça ne regarde pas très bien !!!

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Bon bein :P ca commence demain matin...... Bonne chance a toutes les équipes inscrites je m'attend a des matchs remplis d'émotions et très intenses!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :wink:

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Gagnant finale Champion: Nordiques Jr 4 vs Stallions Gold Titans 2


Gagnant finale Consolation: Scorpions Qc 1 vs Ottawa Riot 0

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