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Lions lac saint louis - Bantam aaa

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Il y a 5 heures, blackberry a dit :

Bien sûre que c’est raisonnable. 

As I mentioned earlier on this thread. LSL has a new reality. It’s no ones fault. It’s just a new reality. Competition from schools is just too important to ignore. They should stay with 1 and 2 for sometime as 3 out of 4 current birth years have been decimated by schools. Ensuring competitiveness  (not killer teams) just competitiveness is the best way to keep kids in civic hockey. 

Good decision. GBS! 


It's not just the Lions, Arsenal filled the last spot or two on their Bantam Major team outside of their association because they had a couple of kids jump ship with short notice.

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This is the correct decisions for all. No teams will get better playing a team of 60% 2006 players. This is makes their releve weaker also. Even with this decision, the Lions results will be similar to previous years when they have 2 teams. For those kids, I hope they get a good coach who worries about their development as players (technique, person, psychologique) and I hope LSL has plans to be able to keep players for the future. If LSL is fixed the ligue is better for every player

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Les Lions ont pris leurs décisions finales dimanche soir. Dans leur match contre College Francais, ils n'avaient que 10 joueurs en uniforme. Toujours pas d'entraîneur confirmé, pas de frais partagés avec les familles, juste un email pour réserver des hôtels pour un tournoi à Toronto selon les parents. J'ai eu la chance de regarder leur match samedi contre CF. Il y a quelques joueurs forts dans leur équipe (Kolias, Corbet, Eric ce jour-là). Il est dommage qu’ils soient si mal soutenus par leur structure.

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