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...spacieuse a air OUVERTE pour jouer ou l'on desir prêt de woodbine

Le contracteur de cet immeuble n'était certainement Mr. Thaaaq!  :mrgreen:

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Tu vient de revenir allors dit moi pas que ton opinion est dans faites. C'est incroyable les pratiques commence a peine :-)


J'avais pas le choix de revenir c'était la seule avenue HQ pour un jeune de 10 ans.

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Président ce que tu dis es le gros bon s'en (se présenter au aga et discuter) malheureusement les gens en place sont d'ex êtres humains qui accepte assez mal de se faire dire qu'ils sont dans le champs. L'égo en prend pour son rhume. Ensuite le jeune du parent est étiqueté PROBLÈME


C'est ça la réalité des choses dans p,usieurs organisation de club de tinami

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Les black liste vont toujours exister car les parents émotionnel qui savent pas quand c'est le temps de parler vont toujours être là.


Quand tu es une personne désagréable et qui manque de respect tu finiras toujours par nuire à ton enfant.


Cecil dit le club des tinamis existe encore dans beaucoup d'association et ça fait en sorte que certaines associations malheureusement manquent encore de crédibilité et de transparence.

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Les ti namis qu'elle terme qui me fait sourire. :razz: Et la black liste. J'aimerais bien voir cela car j'ai beau cherche je ne la trouve pas. ;-)

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Président peut être que toi tu n'as pas de black liste mais elle circule quand même. :razz:

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Voici la definition lit la bien SVP et dit moi encore que ça existe pas après.


A blacklist (or black list) is a list or register of entities who, for one reason or another, are being denied a particular privilege, service, mobility, access or recognition. As a verb, to blacklist can mean to deny someone work in a particular field, or to ostracize a person from a certain social circle. The most famous systematic blacklist was the Hollywood blacklist, instituted by the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947 under McCarthyism to block screenwriters and other Hollywood professionals who were purported to have Communist sympathies from obtaining employment. It started by listing 151 entertainment industry professionals and lasted until 1960 when it was effectively broken by the acknowledgement that blacklisted professionals had been working anyway under assumed names.[1][2]


Conversely, a whitelist is a list or compilation identifying entities that are accepted, recognized, or privileged. "Whitelist" and "blacklist" are widely considered controversial terms because of how they reinforce an implicit association in language between "black" and "bad" on the one hand, and "white" and "good" on the other. Many institutions including colleges and universities have abandoned the terms for less charged alternatives (like "safelist," "watchlist").


The term blacklisting may be used in a pejorative sense, implying that a person has been prevented from having legitimate access to something due to inappropriate covert actions of those who control access. For example, a person being served with a restraining order for having threatened another person would not be considered a case of blacklisting. However, somebody who is fired for exposing poor working conditions in a particular company, and is subsequently systematically blocked from finding work in that industry, is described as having been inappropriately and often illegally blacklisted. Blacklisting can and has been accomplished informally by consensus of authority figures, and does not necessarily require a physical list or overt written record.


Blacklisting can be formal or informal. In the employment setting, applicants who apply to numerous positions regardless of being qualified or not can soon be ignored during some or all subsequent applicant processes, This can be an informal choice made by one person or a shared formal response taken up by one office, and not an issue that would be described as blacklisting. In the past, blacklists of union members have been shared or circulated between multiple organizations to prevent hiring of employees who, rather than being incompetent, have been critical of management actions or advocated on behalf their fellows. People have been prevented from working for decades due to being on a blacklist; in some cases the information on the blacklist was false. [3]

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Eric envoie moi en une copie que je la consulte. Ton nom y serait tu par hasard :-) :-) :-)

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