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AAA 2001 (Résultats, Équipes, Top Joueurs)

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To Hockey fan:


se the one that you have and build a team chemistry around it...

Good luck to them for Candiac and Toronto....


Quel tournoi de Toronto?

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Le tournoi de Toronto est un tournoi du 8 au 10 aout pour les prospects de l'annee prochaine ou plutot un dream team NRJ,

J'ai entendu dire...

Je suis entierement d'accord d'améliorer ton équipe pour ce tournoi car il ne fait pas partie de la saison AAA.

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let me tell u what upsets me i,u speak about people like u know what your saying ,but the guy is not there to defend himself .but this is what i know from some of the parents for the first thing the pay they give the coaches he gave it ti the team so they can have more practices for the 2nd thing he gave trophys to each kid on the team to encourage them for the 3rd thing he paid for an extra tournament for the kids for the fourth thing he went out to get sponsers so he can pay for most ioof the kids expenses and he did much more from what i understand ! now all those kids were finished playing and most of them wanted the summer off so he went out and tried to put a good team together so at least they can compete not win but compete WOW THAT SOUNDS LIKE A BAD GUY TO ME WHO WANTS A DREAM TEAM !!!!!!LIKE I SAID BEFORE AND ILL SAY IT AGAIN CAUSE I DONT THINK TO MANYY COACHES WOULD DO THAT MUCH FOR KIDS SO I TELL U AGAIN WHO LIKES TO SPEAK BAD ABOUT PEOPLE GO GET A LIFE CAUSE U ARE DEFENITLY IN NO POSITION TO JUDGE PEOPLE !!!

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hier partie hors concour 2001 nrj laval 1 warriors montreal metro 6 match a sens unique, je sais pas si vous savez ce que represente toronto, avec leurs nombreux corps a corps ou semi contact et ces joueurs jouent a l `année ensemble, exemple toronto bulldogs ont des joueurs qui viennent d`aussi lion que de l`alberta ect... bonne chance!!! mais a moin d`avoir 4 a 5 VRAIS DOMINANT ET DES DEFENSEURS EXTREMEMENT SOLIDES, avec un patin arriere croiser hors norme et un bon gardiens vous allez tout droit ver un massacre, l`ans passer nous avont ete a toronto au canada wonderlaqnd le 2 ieme plus gros tournois de la cote est en amerique, avec un equipe extremement forte les ice dragons et trois joueurs les plus dominant dominant ajouter du perfome plus et le gardiens du rockeys boys bien on a fini 4 ieme pour remporter la final consolation


bonne chance, mais vous etes mieux d`etre extremement PREPARÉ et avoir tous les meilleurs joueurs diponible car un seul qui est moyen dans votre équipe et c`est fini pour vous là bas ils sont gros fort agressissif patine et jouent un excellant jeu de position et ca frape fort quand tu as la rodelle tu as interet a la passer sinon tu vas voir des étoile ou tu la gardera pas longtemps ils sont excellant en replis et si sa fait pas il se jette directement devant le joueurs pour l`arreter quand ce n`est pas une mise en echec ect...

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WHAT R U SAYING !there is no contact in toronto at 6 ,7 years old so i dont think it will be bad for them like you say plus im sure they have enough time to get ready to compete down there. yes i know they lost 6 to 1 againts warriors but its the first time they play together and the were only 9 kids on the bench and one wasnt part of the team plus 2 were missing . i dont think they have a good chance in candiac but i think they ll have fun and with practice they will definetly be good in the future . one thing i know about thr previous team they were very young and had no chance ,im talking about at least 5 kids 2002 like 5 years old and not one superstar kid on the team ! believe it or not he turned them in to a very competitive team and the only team i think that had an easy time againts them was diable rouge r sud but i know that in the province of quebec not to many teams came close to them anyway. imagine no one on the tean to score those 5 goals a game and they made the finals once and consultation finals another time with no superstar now that i think is good !

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just want to advise you! we went in toronto last years with same aged kids the ice dragons 2000 and the performe plus, the 2 verry best team mixed togrther, ice lost only one game during last year and it was again the performe plus both team win all tournement they participated, in atheq and YES there plenty contact AT THAT AGE IN ALL ONTARIO we play last year!! and this year my son play with the 2000 the 1999 and also play for 2 team in ontario aaa 2000 and 1999 they teach him contact not mise en echec but a rought contact vous etes mieux de vous renseignez ou aller voir un tournois avant tout


sorry but if you bring the team of yesterday, nous allez vous faire masacré, je voulais juste vous faire partager mon experience, c`est tres noble de votre part de vouloir organiser un tel projet, mais svp, faite que ces jenes ne revienne pas demoli


hier il y avait plusieurs instructeurs tres competant du AAA dont un de nadeau leblanc, et je peux vous confirmer que vousn`avez pas du tout l`equipe presentement pour aller a toronto ca serait domage pour ces jeunes de perdre par 10 a 15 buts de difference quel plaisir auront ils? il y a une differance que de perdre par 2 a 3 buts que de perdre par 10 a 15 buts,


je suis desolé pour vous. je ne veux pas vous blessé, je veux juste vous mettre en garde, ces équipe la bas jouent a l`année ensemble et les regle sont tres differante du quebec la bas c`est enormément plus robuste qu`ici et ca joue tres dur meme les warriors seraient incapable d`en gagné une presentent


this year it`s my fourth tornament in ontario with 2000 ans 1999 i saw the 2001 teams from toronto buldogs little senators, missisauga 2 k pro , eastern ontario flyers, ottawa riots ect... 2001 all those teams can beat any team from quebec by 5 to 10 points and more verry easy! and they play verry rought and can be dirty if needed!!

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thankyou for your advice ! i understand how strong they are and im sure they will rienforce the team cause not all the kids u saw yesterday will be going to toronto but kids are also playing to have fun and fun i gauranttee u they will have and come august they will be ready to compete even if they dont win these kids love to go places stay in groups and to parents watching there kids smile and have fun competing,not neccessarily having to win should be worth everything .if u teach a kid out there to give it a hundred perct and then u teach him how to except the losing part u made him a much better little player and he will go much further than a kid who thinks just to win cause he will always try harder for the next one .theres so many diffrent ways of coaching and im sure everyone of those coaches try there best ,dont forget there is no living to be made coaching those little angels it just feels good to do good .

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:D great so i wish you good luck! and happy tournament by the way if you going to toronto in august can you tell me if it the canada wonderland tournament you will go! thanks!

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