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AAA 2001 (Résultats, Équipes, Top Joueurs)

Messages recommandés

:D plenty ottawa region; ottawa riots little senators , all st-laurence river teams are the best weak team are hitmans, pirates casselman, vipers upper valley,


other geat team are toronto bulldogs, missisauga pro, maples leaf ballantr???,


from states boston jr bruins, little cesars detroit, weak team Exel N Y


if you let me know the yeam que vous allez affronter je pourais vous dire lequelles sont fort au pas

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ill only know when a schedual comes out,its to early now i dont think all teams are in yet ,but if u know of any elite player 2001 that would like to go to the tournament , doors are opened let me know

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:D I know 2 already played with the 2000 one whit the ice dragons name desgrosseillers and one with performe plus name riel they will be at the tounament this week at pierrefond, they are very good and strong players you have to see this 2 kids and ask their parents i know few other but je n`ai pas leur coordonnées je vais tenter de les avoir

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Hi hockeyfan !


I'm not talking badly about the coach...

First: I think he did a great job by having five or six 2002...

Second: I was quite supprise about the amount you guys paid for all that you had (tournaments, suits...)

Third: Everybody need good players specialy if you go in Toronto call it dream team or superteam but that what it is...


All I was saying is : During your 2nd tournament you did alot of change...and like in Laval I was there in the stand and I heard a lot of parents complaining and there was a little fight because of the use of new players who didn't even start the tournament with you guys( do you know the rules) lucky that was your tournament(laval)... I want say name but this is my 5th year following AAA and I'm coaching too, during the season , and hockey is not the only sport that I coach; and I think I know what I'm saying when I tell you the coach even all that he did was great but hockey wise He didn't think of is young players when he made them bench that day...That's it


Excusez moi pour les autres..


But hockeyfan when you are in a forum, you don't need to insult people ... if you don't like my opinion that's fine but

when you answer back by calling sond like the red nose.


I want tell your dirty laundry but respect my opinion and tell me yours that's it.


And Carey Price is right...if you looking for a strong player : Zachary Riel is really really good !


Good luck for the rest of your tournament.

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yes maybe an opinion can be offending sometimes but in that tournament that u say he benched kids ,i think your wrong cause all he did was the lthird cperiod play more the better ones cause he wanted to give those kids a chance to win it,but he put his heart in teaching each one of those little guys to becomming great kids and mark my words when they play prenovice next year they will be very good each and every one of them .sometimes u make a decision and it makes u look bad but at the end of the day everyone wants a chance to win and thats what he tried to do .now im sure everyone of those kids that played nrj,the parents must of been very happy with how much there kids improved in every aspect of the game .

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Well in that angle you're right, I'm pretty sure that they gonna be pretty good next year and I even think that they're really good now... You have good potential in your team like your main player S... and the goalie he is amazing.

Everyone make mistake sometimes and when you grow from them we call it experience...


Best regards !

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We are working on a team quebec to go to Canada`s wonderland as we speak . Desgroseilles played yesterday with the warriors and will be playing with us next weekend and has been a spare player with us this year . We are in discussions with us dad about going to Toronto with our all star team .



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