goeland 20 Posté(e) 15 juillet 2013 Que dire de plus!!!!!!!! au QC DES TÊTE CE FERRONS ARRACHER SI IL ADOPTE UN PAIMENT POUR VOIR FISTON JOUÉ ( HOCKEY DE PRINTEMPS SA PASSE CROCHE , IMAGINE DURANT LA SAISON AYOYYYYYYYYYYE) AU QC EST-CE SEULEMENT A PARTIR DE MIDGET AAA QU'IL FAUT $$ POUR VOIR UN MATCH?? EN TOUS CAS BONNE LECTURE..... GTHL to replace admission fee with lump sum payment Unpopular $6 ticket for each person who plays, or watches, a GTHL game will likely be replaced by $480 fee per player. An unpopular $6 admission ticket for each person who plays, or watches, a Greater Toronto Hockey League game will more than likely be replaced in 2014-15 by a lump fee of around $480 charged to each player. The proposed change will be one of the topics discussed at the league’s annual meeting Saturday. “It is not a fait accompli as yet but we are working towards it being in place for 2014-15 season,” GTHL president John Gardner said. “It has money saving advantages for both the parents and the league.” No one would pay at the arena. GTHL treasurer John Trimble said each player would be charged about $480 spread over an undetermined number of payments. How this money is collected, and who will collect it, is yet to be decided. A regular season is either 33 games for AAA teams or 36 games for A and AA — plus exhibition and playoff matchups. Presently, if two parents and a player attend all 36 games, it would cost $648. Featured Video Close Trimble said he brought up the change with the 52 member organizations at the financial meeting last February. “We have a committee of 14 members with representation from AAA, AA and A organizations from the east and west ends of the city,” Trimble said, adding they have already had one meeting. “We will have to consider the logistics and the methodology of how to implement a fair and equitable plan that is not too burdensome.” Among the issues to be hammered out would be looking at what would be happen if a player is injured for a lengthy time but who has already paid their money. “There are road blocks and we have to find out how to solve them,” he said. The league paid $5 million for regular season and playoff game ice last year which must be offset. While they had budgeted for a small deficit, more spectators than expected attended games and the league finished with a surplus of approximately $300,000. Trimble says it is difficult to forecast revenue and notes that abolishing cashiers, the printing, selling of tickets and handling of cash will save the league a lot of money. “We don’t need all the money up front,” he said. “We have to build in a cushion ... maybe small payments spread out. The Rules of the Road (finished plan) must be in place by February 2014 to implement it for the following season. “It will be good for the league,” he said. “It may even improve the attendance.” There’s been mixed reaction to the planned move. Thomas Neal has two youngsters playing in the GTHL: Braeden Ream-Neal on the East Enders midget Jr. AA and Ryan Ream-Neal on the Scarborough Young Bruins atom AA. “Anything that the GTHL can do to bring the cost down is terrific,” says Neal, who also coaches the Young Bruins. But not everybody would save money. Dr. Casey Moran, an emergency room physician, also has two youngsters playing in the GTHL. “It would not be beneficial to me,” says Moran. “With two boys playing, only one parent goes to the arena. My wife may be at a practice with our other son. I am also a trainer on one team and it does not cost me to get into the arena.” Both have concerns with the potential new setup. “What happens to the security of the arenas if there is no GTHL representative at the door?” Neal asks. “An arena has always been a safe spot. Will just anyone be able to walk in?” Both Neal and Moran feel there should be more accountability and more transparency of how the GTHL spends the millions of dollars that flow through its coffers in a season. Moran believes parents don’t object to paying for the ice. But he argues that if there are 30 players (a team must have 15 players each) on the ice and two parents and a player are in the arena that is $18 per player or $540 for the hour of ice. “That is more than the league pays for that ice,” Moran says. “I would like more accountability.” Mississauga North Stars president Peter Johnson did a survey of his organization the last time a lump sum entry fee was suggested. “At that time 30 per cent of our parents were opposed to it and, in fact, they objected to any advance payment,” he said. Gary Ponting currently has one son playing in the North Stars organization and said it would cost his family more. “When we had two boys playing, at least half the time only one of us went to the games,” Ponting said. “As one got older, particularly on the under-21 team he was driving himself so we would not be going.” Partager ce message Lien à poster
Eric25 106 Posté(e) 15 juillet 2013 C'est vraiment mis de l'avant comme un business devants les parents. Comment leurs clientèle va réagir?. Au Québec c'est seulement dans les tournois et les provinciaux qu'il a un prix d'admission. A qui va $$$ des provinciaux? Partager ce message Lien à poster
ThreeA 1 Posté(e) 15 juillet 2013 Cest rendu en Ontario maintenant que si fiston n' y va pas au college PEAC, UCC, Hill academy ...ben les chanes sont encore moindre d arriver au "show" cest rendu une vraie business en Ontario ce nest pas toujours vert de lautre vote de la cloture Partager ce message Lien à poster
Eric25 106 Posté(e) 15 juillet 2013 UNE chose est sure c'est differents les parents ont un peu plus de $$$ sports qu'au Quebec les impots sont moindre. Partager ce message Lien à poster
Joé 1 Posté(e) 15 juillet 2013 * J'ai retiré le lien et toute référence à ce site vulgaire, aucune discussion intelligente possible. Partager ce message Lien à poster
ThreeA 1 Posté(e) 15 juillet 2013 On la vécu pendant quasiment un an et demi (Coin de Richmond Hill) Oui il y a des choses à améliorer au Québec, mais même pas proches avec l’Ontario de ce que les parents sont prêt à faire....complètement dépasser....aucun sens de la réalité avec les priorités complètement a l’envers Partager ce message Lien à poster
Eric25 106 Posté(e) 15 juillet 2013 Les ontariens dans le mineur sont tres tres tres partisans de leur equipe. Le comportement des parents en Ontario sont pas tres civilise. ThreeA tu as raison c'est lamentable de voir et entendre ce qu,il se dit. Partager ce message Lien à poster
Président 865 Posté(e) 15 juillet 2013 Si ca paye les frais de glace-arbitre et marqueur rien de scandaleux la dedans car la GTHL étant un organise indépendant elle ne doit pas recevoir d'aide des municipalités pour les hrs .Voila ou il faut regarder si ces leur cas ou pas. Mais qu'elle que chose me dit que l'on va avoir une réponse de 1600 mots la dessus très très bientôt. :razz: Partager ce message Lien à poster
goeland 20 Posté(e) 15 juillet 2013 http://www.network54.com/Forum/672275/thread/1372875367/last-1373824706/2000+AAA+GTHL http://www.network54.com/Forum/672275/thread/1365164502/last-1365860324/2013-2014+2000+GTHL et oui CAREY ET EL PRESIDENT NE SONT AUSSI PIRE QUE ÇA,,,,,,, ;-) UNE VRAI FARCE LEUR FORUM , AU MOIN AVEC POC EN A UN MODERATEUR ,,,N'EST -CE PAS CAREY :P :lol: QUI TE SURVEILLE TOUS FAITS ET JESTES.. :huh: .... CAREY ......EST-CE QUE TU ÉCRIT SUR LEUR FORUM POUR MENTIONNER CES QUOI L'ÉLITE ...A TES YEUX ET COMMENT SA DOIT CE PASSER DANS LE DOMAINE DU HOCKEY MINEUR -MAJEUR :o ET SI OUI J'ESPERE QUE TU FAIS PAS DU BACHING SUR LE QC.. :) POUR AVOIR LU UN PEU LEUR SITE , jOSE CROIRE QUE TON PSEUDO EST ANONYMOUS CAR TU ECRIT EN CILBOLE ...... B) Partager ce message Lien à poster