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Top PW AAA teams in 2016-17

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Ray, I agree, Lions have enough talent for both teams to be very strong in the front. It's their backend and their goaltending where depth is a real issue.


In my view Select du Nord will be the top team. Their first line last year was an all 2004 line... and some of the 04 parents were involved with the team - all being equal, I expect those three kids will play a LOT and be the most dominant line in Peewee AAA this year.


Mo, I can't say I agree with your theory in regards to surclassing - TL would have wasted his time in atom two years ago... he was the best defenseman in the league as an 04 last year. Same for S.Poulin and X.Parent a few years ago in Peewee and again last year in Midget AAA.

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Il ne faut pas oublier que TL est à une douzaine de jours d'être un 2003.


Le surclassement devient encore plus logique dans ce contexte.


Deux autres joueurs des Lions sont très près d'être des 2003.  JS est à 2 jours et ML à 14.

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In LSL, with the rumored players that transferred over it will be very interesting on how they divide the 2 teams this year. Talent up front you can go easily 6 deep on both teams and on D 3 deep on both teams. Goaltending will be the main issue but there are 2 very decent 2005's that probably deserve to play with the 2004's simply because they are better. That being said, their U13 team will be off the charts talented.


Select du Nord will be very good as well, but after their top 3 players up front its very thin. They hired a non parental coach which will only help that team in my opinion as he will not accept MG behind the bench anymore.


My sleeper pick will be the Conquerants. They have no superstar players like JS, but they will be deep at almost every position and their coach is really good at development.


Laval will also be good. They have 1-2 good forwards, but their D's & goaltending will be very solid. My opinion is that they will have an extremely tough time scoring goals though much like last year.


Remember that 2nd year peewee is the year that teams from the beginning of the year to the end change so much as many kids grow tremendously due to puberty. What happened in Atom 2nd year won't reflect what happens in peewee 2nd year. In the end, size, speed, & skills do matter big time by the end of the year.


Bonne saison a tous!

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Ripit tu lances n'importe quoi en l'air encore n'importe quoi lolll j'ai averti en fevrier que je ne souhaitais pas coacher en 2017 . De plus les coachs seront trois parents coachs c'est la façon de faire aux Selects et ça semble fonctionner. J'ai 3 garçons et j'espere pouvoir coacher mon plus jeune au novice cette annee... Bonne annee a tous ... Le peewee AAA a beaucoup d'équipes de talent. Les regions avec une seule equipe me semblent avantagees. Les regions comme Vikings avec deux clubs, lions, phoenix et d'autres qui ont deux clubs vont assurement être moins puissantes que leur équipe U13

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LSL sera excellent avec plusieurs 2004 qui était au peewee AAA l'an passé soit environ 3-4 par équipe dont un qui en sera à sa 3e année peewee, cette equipe devrait à nouveau être premier avec leurs équipe


Conquérant devrait être compétitif avec 1 peewee AAA de retour mais équipe équilibré


Laval, milieu de peloton


Sélect du nord 3 peewee AAA attaquants de retour et un défenseur peewee AAA qui en sera à sa 3e saison, cette équipe devrait connaître une bonne saison


Arsenal ?


Grenadiers ?


Seigneurs, après Laval


Pionniers équipe cendrillon avec 4 2004 de retour


Intrépides, toujours compétitif


National, ouf :(

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avez vous des pronostics pour ce qui est des Équipes de la rive sud ,gaulois,cf,ccl,noir et or ,grenadier ?


je crois également que dans les bonnes équipes il ne faut pas sous estimer les harfangs du triolet .

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It's August already and training camps will get underway within a week in most regions:


1.Who will the top teams be in 2016-17 ?


2. JS was the top 2004 in scoring last season at the top level and TL was the top D in the province. Will either of them or any other 04's get surclassed to Bantam ?


3. Does anyone know where the Defi will be held this year


Sounds like parents from my region like posting here. Why should you care? About players: I think some forwards from our group are only as good as the partners they have and as far as the other player you mention, a few other 04 are very similar but it should not even matter anyways. Glad you feel good about your region's winter and spring teams, self promotion is useless.  Enjoy the game, most of these kids will be average players in Midget.  

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