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Stallions/Titan 2006 & Équipe pour représenter le Québec

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Daniel, my statements were in no way meant to disrespect the Ice Rebels or Ice Dragons but more a statement to let everyone know how strong the team really was. I used the Ice Rebels and Ice Dragons as an example as they were the top 2 teams in the THAAAQ this year and to compare the talent level in Toronto as being far superior. We were humbled by the KOTR experience and more importantly the competition level.


Finally I would like to add that I don't have to justify our performance to you or anyone else. In fact I didn't have to come out and say that we won 1 game and lost 4. I'm actually proud of the kids that had the courage to actually come out and compete versus the very best. It shows a lot about ones character when you aren't afraid to compete!

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Mr. Stallions 2004,

The good hockey people who are running the Ice Rebels and the Ice Dragons do not need or want your opinion on how strong the level of hockey can be in Toronto because in the past they have played and won in the bigger Ontario tournaments. The fact of the matter is that your team wasn't strong enough for this calibre of hockey, even if you haded a few good players and that is your problem. Talk about your team and don't comment other teams in Québec who chose not to participate. Because when we decide to go to Toronto and we will. We will show you how great teams go about wining games against the best teams in Ontario. So please stop winening on this site about the lack of success of your team and giving us different excuses about why your team didn't win. Keep it on the ice and everything will work it's self out just fine..... Sincerely Dick Irving.

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M. Vidicek,


Votre commentaire sur les Ice Rebels et les Ice Dragons est complètement inutile et arrogant. Il ne sert qu'à rabaisser 2 équipes, non impliqué dans votre projet, afin de remonter votre équipe afin de justifier votre performance au KOTR en fin de semaine. C'est ordinaire comme commentaire.


Au lieu de bavasser sur ce forum... prenez votre téléphone et contactez-nous (vous savez comment nous rejoindre)... and let's do it. We will see.



bonjour M.turbide avec votre message est ce que vous croyiez ces mieux ,il y a t il un reglement qui interdit du blablabla sur ce forum ,il dit se qu il pense et ces correct bonne journée.nous sommes qui pour juger

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Pierre, en parlant de règlements........  As-tu lu les nouveaux règlements de la Thaaaq ?  Inquète-toi pas pour nos séances de perfectionnements les samedis.  Nous sommes déjà plein et imagine toi donc qu'il n'y a pas de règlement qui nous l'empêche. Merci pour l'intérêt porté envers nos équipes. Éric.

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Mr. Stallions 2004,

The good hockey people who are running the Ice Rebels and the Ice Dragons do not need or want your opinion on how strong the level of hockey can be in Toronto because in the past they have played and won in the bigger Ontario tournaments. The fact of the matter is that your team wasn't strong enough for this calibre of hockey, even if you haded a few good players and that is your problem. Talk about your team and don't comment other teams in Québec who chose not to participate. Because when we decide to go to Toronto and we will. We will show you how great teams go about wining games against the best teams in Ontario. So please stop winening on this site about the lack of success of your team and giving us different excuses about why your team didn't win. Keep it on the ice and everything will work it's self out just fine..... Sincerely Dick Irving.

 Mr. Dick Irving,


Like Mr. Duteau mentioned above, who are YOU to tell others what should or shouldn't be said on the site. It's a public site meant for people to give out their opinions as long as they are respectful. I personally hope your team goes out to face the tough competition out in Toronto and beyond and even further I wish you guys all the success in the world and I hope you guys come home with the Championship. That being said, stop living in the past with your 2000's and how good they were and how you won that & won this. Minor hockey has changed immensely since your 2000's were in Mahg so my advice to you is to stop living in your own little bubble because this is not about the Ice Rebels, Ice Dragons, or even the Stallions for that matter. Take my comments for what they are and if you disagree with them fine as you as well are entitled to your opinion..... but please don't tell me to not share mine!!

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Loin de moi l'idée d'en ajouter, et des histoires de type "mon père est plus fort que le tien"... ça me fait toujours un peu rire! Bravo pour les derniers post, vous avez réussi!

Mais j'ai toujours trouvé ça un peu drôle l'auto-clamation de équipe Québec par une organisation ou une autre, qui tient un camp (payant), et qui recrute une équipe qui nous pouvons nous l'avouer est une façon d'attirer de nouveaux joueurs dans son organisation, de permettre à d'autres de jouer avec de meilleur joueur l'espace d'un tournoi... mais le qualificatif de ÉQUIPE QUÉBEC est un peu charrié...


SUGGESTION: Si les dirigeants de la THAAAQ, qui je penses génère assez de profits pour investir dans un mini-programme, (payer heures de glaces et chandails, le reste au frais du parent par exemple) devrait être le maître d'œuvre indépendant et autonome de la mise sur pied d'un programme All-Star année après année. Ces dirigeants passent probablement assez de temps dans les arénas pour voir qui est talentueux ou d'avoir quelques conversations avec des entraîneurs de partout au Québec. Ces équipes pourraient alors participer à 1 ou 2 tournoi suivant le tournoi des champions... et enfin être de taille avec le reste du Canada!

Il y aurait donc UNE équipe Québec, légitime.

Bonne saison de hockey HQ, si vous avez des jeunes d'âges peewee et bantam... ça doit être aussi drôle à suivre tellement c'est pathétique la nouvelle structure intégrée...

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The problem with trying to create a Team QC in this province is that everyone is always looking out for their own little programs and they are afraid to lose players to other programs. So what happens is that these little programs tell their parents not to go participate with that program or this program because they don't want them to see if the grass is in fact greener on the other side.


My philosophy is very simple.... I don't hold any kids or their parents back to go play with other programs because it's a free country and I know that my program is good and it works. I'm definitely not saying that there are not other good programs out there because there are for sure, but my point is that I'm not afraid to lose a player because I know my program will develop new ones. However I would never deny any of my players to play with other teams and meeting new people and making new friends because that is what sports is all about... friendships and competition.

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Bonjour Monsieur Justedemême,


                 Vous avez un peu raison concernant notre échange.  Mais étant donné que nous sommes sur le sujet,


c'est vrai que mon père est plus fort que le sien, car mon père est un ancien lutteur et il s'appelle "Mad Dog"....... LoL




Mister Stallions 2004,


               You are still whining......  Give your opinion and stop using excuses on why your teams could of, should of,


would of one the tournament.......  Those are not opinions, that's just a whole lot of whininggggggg.....


Sir if you don't want to hear about the 2000 Ice Dragons and Ice Rebels, stop talking about our 2006 teams and trying


to compare your 2006 team too ours.  The Ice Dragon do not talk on this forum, has for our Ice Rebels team......  We


do our stuff on the ice, with 26 victories and 1 over-time defeat ( that we would of won if the sun was blue and the


moon was red) and lastly our 3 tournament wins at the hardest tournaments to win in Québec......


I wish we woudln't need to talk about our team on this forum, bu it seems that we half to because of your constent




You are lucky that I don't post this comment in the 2004 section, because I don't want your peers to hear what I think


about you and you and your whinningggg....


To end this post......  None of our 6 and 7 year old players went to Toronto, not because they weren't a loud to go..... 


They didn't go because they were having some fun in the sun with there families (Pool, bicking, baseball, soccer).


But don't worry about our players....  They will go to Toronto soon enough......  And when we go, we might need 1 or


2 of your players to fill a spot (Thanks' for the offer) .......  This is not an opinion but a fact..........  Say what you


want...... Just please stop whining....... 


                                                                                                                                         Your friend, Dick Irving.

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Dick Irving, there you go again living in the past with your 26 wins & 1 OT defeat..... once again congratulations and I wish you and your team of the Ice Rebels the brightest success in the future.


I'm not writing on this blog to fight with anyone or put down any other program. If you don't know that about me then please go ask a few of the 2004's.


Bonne chance mon ami and I'll see you surely in an arena eventually.



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OMG une autre dérape...C'est connue le succès enfle les têtes. Il me semble que Stallions 2004 a dit que les Ice Rebels et Ice Dragons avaient les 2 meilleurs équipes au Québec...pas si mal et je suis certain que cela a été difficile à écrire...Lol


Les commentaires des Ice Rebels: vous êtes en train de vous abaisser et démontrer une arrogance, restez c'est vrai qu'on s'en fou du 2000...


Une chose est évidente les 2 parties ont eu du succès pour 2 raisons chacune: Les Stallions à cause d'une grande défenseur et le meilleur gardien et Les Ice Rebels à cause du meilleur défenseur et 1 joueur d'avant un peu meilleur que les autres. Arrêtez-moi avec le jeu d'équipe et le programme...par contre ce sera vrai à compter de l'année prochaine....


Bonne chance à tous et à ne pas inviter au même party ou tryout pour une équipe Québec...Dommage, on voit la nature même du peuple Québécois ici (arrogance, jalousie, etc)...Lol 

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