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Tien voici quelques conversasion exterieur a propos du Brick 2013 le dernier commentaire est excellant et tres pertinant et ca viens des gens de l'exterieur :wink:


Re: Montreal 2003 Brick Team?

No score for this post June 6 2012, 9:34 AM



The stallions also beat TBR and Pro hockey.

Team Quebec is only playing one tournament and its in july. Most of the stallions are on vacation then.




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(no login) Re: Montreal 2003 Brick Team?

No score for this post June 6 2012, 9:37 AM



9:34.....who are you, the travel agent for the Stallions?



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(no login) Re: Montreal 2003 Brick Team?

No score for this post June 6 2012, 12:07 PM



This link is not The Montreal's Brick team...Stallions are separate from Team Quebec, we do have 8 players that played on Team Quebec last year, that are orginal Stallions and still are.


Ice Storm as the rights to the Brick Team, and they will announce the brick before the tournament next year as usual while the BD, Pro Hockey and Detroit already have there roster all set and started parcticing and playing together!from what we've gathered last weekend.









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(no login) Re: Montreal 2003 Brick Team?

No score for this post June 6 2012, 12:22 PM





So if I read you correctly, the greater part of your stallions team are also Team Quebec players. This would explain why the Stallions compete well against some of our Toronto teams. Would you say then that the greater part of your Stallions would be on your Quebec Brick team?



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(no login) Re: Montreal 2003 Brick Team?

No score for this post June 6 2012, 12:33 PM



so who will ber representing quebec next year at the brick.

team quebec

ice storms

or stallions


or will it be kids from all these teams making up one team


you guys in quebec are very confusing.


if team quebec will only play in one tournament then how will we know if they can compete at the brick





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(no login) Re: Montreal 2003 Brick Team?

No score for this post June 6 2012, 12:38 PM



Well they should,we broke away from Team Qc to develop with thw Stallions ,"a team" that plays together and practices together, Team Ice Storm Brick from Quebec will be very strong, they give BDH a run for there money for sure...but again everything is political in QC, Like everywhere else I would imgane.....


If the right players are chosen and coaching staff, I see no reason why Team Brick Ice Storm can not win the Brick Tourney!!!






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(no login) Re: Montreal 2003 Brick Team?

No score for this post June 6 2012, 1:53 PM





You have the makings of a three way power struggle. My guess is that the coaching staff from your Team Quebec wants the Brick, but does the coaching staff from your Stallions team...oh, but there s more!!!! Ice Storm coaches want in the Brick as well. All three of your coaching staffs should get your heads out of your asses and get an independent coach! You coaches are the onces making it political. You coaches are the problem, don't you go and externalize the issues. You are all about yourselves, the kids and the best team possible are not even in your plans....shame on you all!!!

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je doute que ça vienne vraiment de gens de l'extérieur...


À lire les commentaires, je crois plutôt qu'il s'agit de gens d'ici qui cherchent à semer la pagaille.



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je doute que ça vienne vraiment de gens de l'extérieur...


À lire les commentaires, je crois plutôt qu'il s'agit de gens d'ici qui cherchent à semer la pagaille.




Je peux te dire que j ai rien a faire dans cela.

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Je peut te certifier que le Questionnement est tres present ou je suis et ca vient vraiment de L'Ontario a part une personne du Quebec qui a effectivement intervenu et il se l'est fait dire!

Il parles des 2003 parceque les Brick 2003 sont déja fait pratiquement partout deja ils se sont affronté dans plusieurs tournois sauf .... le Quebec naturellement

La theotie du complot oublie cela si seulent je placerais ce qui se dit a propos du Quebec et son insignifiant faux devloppement! les cheveux te dresserait sur la tete et ca viens de partout au Canada et USA!

Ils ont connu Team Quebec depuis plusieurs années et le fait de les voir a Philadelphie est un non sens pour eux puis les Stallions et le Ice Storm etc.. pour la premiere fois je vous met a jours ce qui se dit a vous de vous prendre en main et arreté voir des complot partout quand ca fait pas votre affaire

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