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Brick 2014

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Tu devrais trouver des réponses plus originale Québec2003.

Je crois que les discussions et opinions des gens sur se sujet sont légitimes et porte à réflexion.


De ton côté, tu peux nous partager ton expérience lors du brick tournament, ce serait apprécié

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Tu devrais trouver des réponses plus originale Québec2003.

Je crois que les discussions et opinions des gens sur se sujet sont légitimes et porte à réflexion.


De ton côté, tu peux nous partager ton expérience lors du brick tournament, ce serait apprécié

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Jouez ensemble de Avril à Juillet, Faites confiance à l'entraineur et laissez au coach le temps de connaitre les joueurs, Laissez le temps aux joueurs d'apprendre leur rôle, faut pas avoir 9 centres au Brick.


Avec ce qu'on peut lire il y a des changements positifs pour l'équipe de cette année. Représentez votre province avec fierté et jouez en équipe. Allez y avec vos meilleurs, peu importe la ligue. 


Bonne chance

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I guess your really pissed! LOL!, I was one of the parents who decided to rent a condo, that's why I didn't spend 13k....I spend 6-7K we bought our food, we cooked instead of eating out every night, better nutrition for the kids etc....


I was all for team spirit, but your right, The I.S people never interacted with parents and the kids at all!


There was never any instructions only done via booklet what to wear on certain days etc....


Top Ice would I do it again? and my answer is NO! not with the Ice Storm organization.



Tony, i am still pissed at the I.S. because what was suppose to be the best ever experience for my kid turned out to be the worst ever experience . My son kept asking me: when are we going for lunch with the team? Why is everybody in different hotel? Why is this player all the time on the ice when he screws up every shift? Why is coach luneau not giving us a game plan before the game? How come Catchero wasn t on ice in overtime when on fire during the game? Why this why that....even a 10 year old noticed Everything was wrong!!

As for you and few others renting condos, i think it was smart money wise and nothing different then us ending looking for an hotel, driving 4 hours around Edmonton because the I.S. reserved at the most discusting hotel in Edmonton(in fact only coaching staff stayed there,everybody moved). I paid big money for this event and my expectations were high but came back here with a sour taste in my mouth. The cherry on top of the cake was for sure dudes scouting kids to go play for their team without any discomforts and talking down some super organisation to get there points....Now that was something discusting.No need to tell you who they were, i remember you going nuts about it! But hey, such is hockey i guess.

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I thought most teams stayed at the mall? I watched a lot of the games online with my son and was dissapointed with the ice storm team. They played like a bunch of individuals whereas other teams played more as a team.

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I thought most teams stayed at the mall? I watched a lot of the games online with my son and was dissapointed with the ice storm team. They played like a bunch of individuals whereas other teams played more as a team.

Bingo :idea:  :)  Other teams played more as a team because  all  their regular season  they played  with and against AAA! samething  at the Brick!

Quebec team played individuals because the playing BB  against 75% of the players who are houseleague ! when they played AAA At the Brick they try to do thing they normaly do in BB  but they have AAA players in front of them


L'évalustion est biaser des le départ, tu as pas les bon joueurs en partant! en passant moi ausis j'ai été assomé de pas voir CATCHERO, j'ai EXACTEMENT vu la même chose et j'ai AUCUN PARTIE PRIS! :idea:



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Incroyable de lire tous les derniers posts. J'ai des commentaires complètement contraire à tous ces commentaires provenant d'amis pour les Detroit Red Wings (Little Ceasers et Applecore), parents des juniors Bruins, Connecticut Yankees et pas besoin de nommer les Toronto Bulldogs....ils gagnent le tournoi depuis 4 ans.....C'est complètement désolant....les seules responsables sont le IS.....oui les Elites USA. et Ontariens ont plus d'argent et sont aussi subventionné par les clubs NHL de leur ville/etat, mais wow que. le Québec est ariéré suis inquiet et déçu d'être Quèbéçois........côté hockey.....unbelievable.....en plus de lire que certaines familles dormaient dans des shitholes de veux en savoir plus

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